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  • January is Party Time!

    January is Party Time!0

    Here we are, mid-January already. After the holidays, life slows down a bit, and you get to breathe. Well, at least for a week or so. You know what mid-January is for us? Birthday bliss! My stepdad, Mark Metzger’s birthday is first, then my gram, Lois Liddick, then my daughter, Kenzy, and finally my husband

  • “West Side Story” Well-Nigh Miraculous

    “West Side Story” Well-Nigh Miraculous0

    Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story” achieves so many unlikely triumphs that, at times, it seems downright miraculous. Based on the beloved 1961 musical, this is a rare remake that’s every bit as good as the original — maybe better. Yet somehow, it manages this without actually eclipsing that film — without modernizing or updating it

  • Area Student Seeks Living Kidney Donor

    Area Student Seeks Living Kidney Donor0

    Area middle school student, Maddy Fausnaught, was diagnosed with a kidney disease called focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), which began at age seven after a bout with pneumonia. FSGS is a type of disease where scarring takes place in small sections of each glomerulus (filter) in the kidneys. Because the scarred glomeruli cannot be repaired, FSGS

  • Winter Layers 20220

    The Old Farmer’s Almanac has predicted a cold, long, and snowy winter for the United States in 2022. In fact, they predict it will be so cold they are calling the next few months the “season of shivers.” So, prepare to bundle up and, if possible, bundle up with style in layers that will keep

  • The Bookworm Sez: The Best of 20210

    There’s still a lot of winter left. That’s the fact staring you in the face. Once the holiday decorations are down, the toys are all put away, and you’ve rediscovered your gift certificates… what do you do with them? You buy books, of course. And to get you started, here are a few sure-fire picks

  • Pancakes and a Nap

    Pancakes and a Nap0

    In the winter months, we love some Sunday breakfast. It’s something we started two years ago and never stopped. We would go to church on Sundays, then come home and figure out what to have for lunch. It was usually grilled cheese and tomato soup, tacos, pizza, or something on the grill during the summer

  • Warfare Prayer0

    In this first article of 2022, I can think of nothing more important to talk about than prayer. And because we are living in such perilous times (we always are), it seems important that we talk specifically about warfare prayer. There is a time for everything, even war. See Ecclesiastes 3:8. Actually, Christians know we

  • The Bookworm Sez

    The Bookworm Sez0

    True Crime, Murder, and Mayhem books c.2021, various publishers $19.99 – $29.95 various page counts Lockdown wasn’t all bad. It gave you an opportunity to catch up on your favorite television, for one thing. You had a chance to reconnect with people, to learn new skills, or take up a new hobby. It gave you

  • New Year’s Eve Outfits0

    As we close out 2021 with all of its challenges and blessings, you may find yourself, for the first time in a long time, going to a party! And with every event in life, there is the age-old question, “what am I going to wear?” Here are a few answers to that question that thankfully

  • Prayers for 20220

    Here we are — another year has gone by. I swear this year went quicker than the last. They say the older we get, the faster time goes, and I believe it. I’m not even that darn old and already ask, “where does the time go!?” I just pray that this year, 2022, will be

  • Following Confidently0

    “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 Have you noticed that life is like a wild ride on a roller coaster? It is constantly going up and down and around — and even upside down. Worse yet, like Disney’s Space Mountain (a

  • The Bookworm Sez: “American Comics: A History” by Jeremy Dauber

    The Bookworm Sez: “American Comics: A History” by Jeremy Dauber0

    A towel worked pretty well. If Mom got mad about you stealing one of her bathtowels, then a folded sheet was good, or even an old shower curtain. Superheroes never worried about the fabric of their capes, and you didn’t, either. As long as kid-you could leap and climb and fight crime, you were happy.