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  • The Bookworm Sez: “First Lie Wins: A Novel” by Ashley Elston

    The Bookworm Sez: “First Lie Wins: A Novel” by Ashley Elston0

    Did you get it? Come on, you had plenty of time, opportunity, and you knew exactly where it was, so you don’t have a lot of excuses here. Either you got it, or you didn’t — and if it’s the latter, as in the new novel, “First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston, you’re gonna wish

  • Faith Q&A: Does God Exist?0

    This is the second article in a series called Faith Q&A. Previous articles are always available online at Does God exist? This is the primal faith question because every other faith question is predicated on its answer. This article won’t answer that question for you. It can’t. You’re the only person who can answer

  • Do You Need a Reset?0

    *The following information is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only and should not replace advice from a licensed medical professional. Consult with your physician before making any major lifestyle changes. Like many people, the holidays got away from me — family obligations, kids home from college, food, food, etc. I must confess that I

  • Grocery Shopping Part Two

    Grocery Shopping Part Two0

    I’ve never dreaded or not liked grocery shopping. I love going up and down the aisles, looking to see if anything new strikes me. It’s somehow really relaxing to me. I think it’s the foodie in me. Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I can’t wait to go. There are days here and

  • Five Trends to Toss0

    With the holiday decorations packed away, now is a good time to evaluate the state of one’s home with a bit of pre-spring cleaning. I think of January and February — with fewer activities on the calendar — as ideal months to clean out, clear out, and reset household organization. Besides purging and dusting cabinets,

  • Faith Q&A Series Introduction0

    Does God exist? Is the Bible true? Is the Bible reliable? Why does the Bible sometimes seem to contradict itself? Why does God answer some prayers and not others? Why does evil exist? Where did evil come from? Did God really create the universe in six days? If God knows all things, including the future,

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Elvis and The Colonel: An Insider’s Look at the Most Legendary Partnership in Show Business” by Greg McDonald and Marshall Terrill

    The Bookworm Sez: “Elvis and The Colonel: An Insider’s Look at the Most Legendary Partnership in Show Business” by Greg McDonald and Marshall Terrill0

    The King has left the building. Before he left, he swiveled and stood on his tiptoes. He teased a guitar, sneered and shimmied, and left a tide of swooning females in his wake. Yes, he’s gone, but The King meant a lot to people who still cherish his life and mourn his departure. Look past

  • Pajamas Days0

    Winter has taken over, and cuddling up in bed or on the couch is the only activity I’m interested in for the next couple of months. And what’s better to wear in a cuddle-bubble than pajamas? Sure, you could opt for sweats or gym shorts, but for my money, a matching pajama set is the

  • Grocery Budgeting

    Grocery Budgeting0

    I only needed a few things when I went to the store before the snowstorm two weeks ago. I went to Aldi’s to get most everything I needed that afternoon. I needed Velveeta cheese and fresh Italian bread, which they don’t carry. So, my husband dropped me off on the way home after dinner with

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Necessary Death: What Horror Movies Teach Us About Navigating the Human Experience” by Chris Grosso and Preston Fassel

    The Bookworm Sez: “Necessary Death: What Horror Movies Teach Us About Navigating the Human Experience” by Chris Grosso and Preston Fassel0

    You almost jumped out of your skin. For sure, you yelped a little when the mutant killer showed up on-screen with his gleaming weapon, popping up behind the pretty teenager. You couldn’t had to watch and now you can’t wait for the next good scare. But first, read “Necessary Death” by Chris Grosso and Preston

  • Take Heart!0

    Note: This is the thirteenth and final article in a series called Overcoming the Five Failures of Us. Previous articles are always available at “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John

  • Exercise to Improve Your Jeans and Your Genes0

    Most people know that exercising regularly has many benefits such as building strength and endurance, helping you maintain a healthy weight, and strengthening our bones. The list goes on and on. But did you know that it can actually improve our genes? Well, sort of. A 2022 study conducted by researchers from Washington University that