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  • Makeup for Mature Skin Part 10

    I’ve been wearing daily makeup since I was 15, but the beauty routine I had as a teenager is far different from my current regimen at 43. As we age, our skincare practices have to change to address different concerns, from acne to clogged pores to fine lines and wrinkles. It’s a natural progression as

  • Faith Q&A: Does God Exist?0

    Part Two The famous author, H.G. Wells, once observed, “If there is no God, nothing matters.” His statement was the topic of my previous “Does God Exist?” article. Previous articles are always available online at Wells’s quote included a second observation: “If there is a God, nothing else matters.” Remember, only one person can

  • Chic Winter Layering Tips0

    When the weather slingshots between below-freezing mornings and somewhat temperate afternoons, dressing in layers is your best chance to survive the season. Items like tights, thermal underwear, leggings, long-sleeve shirts, and turtlenecks are not just mere basics but also secret weapons when it comes to strategic layers. Here are a few styling hacks and go-to

  • The Bookworm Sez: “What Really Happens in Vegas: True Stories of the People Who Make Vegas, Vegas” by James Patterson and Mark Seal0

    Hit that “spin” button. Hit it again, one more time, move onto the next “one-armed bandit,” take in a show, watch water dance, gawk all you want. A lot of people work hard to make your Las Vegas experience one you’ll never forget. As you’ll see in the new book “What Really Happens in Vegas”

  • Being in Love

    Being in Love0

    My heart was racing a mile a minute. My palms were getting sweaty. “Why? Why is he opening this darn card now? This wasn’t the plan!” I thought to myself. As Chris opened the card, I don’t think he truly knew what he was going to read. Could I run to my cousin’s Hyundai Sonata

  • Attitude of Gratitude0

    Let’s start with a basic premise — all of us want to be happy. Everything every person on the planet does is with the intention of making them happy. We may be misguided, and what we seek might not actually make us happy, but the intention is to make us happy. People search for things

  • Galentine’s Day0

    Greeting card holidays can be kind of irritating, especially if they feel like an obligation; hello, Grandparents Day. And so often, it’s hard to summon genuine feelings around St. Patrick’s Day or send Halloween wishes. Valentine’s Day can feel like the worst offender of manufactured sentiment and can be a bit of a pressure cooker

  • Falling in Love

    Falling in Love0

    The first day of starting my new math class in Mrs. Buck’s room didn’t start off in my favor. I know I have shared this story before, but I’ll give a refresher and tell it again for any new readers. My mom had packed me a water bottle where the lid had issues locking all

  • Link Between Breastfeeding and Cardiovascular Health0

    In case you forgot your fourth-grade science, humans, along with almost 6,500 other species in the world, belong to a classification known as mammals. One of the defining characteristics of being a mammal is the presence of mammary glands that produce milk for our young. Great, so what does this have to do with adults,

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Soundtrack of Silence: Love, Loss, and a Playlist for Life” by Matt Hay0

    That one Prom Song always does it for you. Just a few notes and you’re reminded of sweaty hands and wilted corsages, awkward poses for parents with cameras, arms around your date, and tiny steps while swaying in a circle. A song sure can be a memory-tickler. In the new memoir, “Soundtrack of Silence” by

  • Five Classic Coat Trends0

    Now that we are in the dark depths of winter, with the forecast turning from freezing to snow, to rain, to not-so-freezing, it can be hard to get up the energy to go outside. But human hibernation is still not recognized as an acceptable coping mechanism for winter, so we must deal with the outdoors.

  • Young Love

    Young Love0

    Love Month starts this week. When I think of February, I think about love, hearts, the colors red and pink, and flowers. It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year. I feel like I was just throwing our jack-o-lanterns out yesterday and saying goodbye to Halloween. Time, where do you go? Wasn’t it just