
Latest Issue

  • Faith Q&A: Does God Answer Prayer?0

    Christians believe that God is all-powerful. We believe God can do absolutely anything, and we place no limitations on His power. In fact, we believe He can “do immeasurably more than all we ask or even imagine” (Ephesians 3:20). That being understood, Christians often suffer the disappointment of prayers that seem to go unanswered. Believers,

  • Faith Q&A: Can God be Surprised?0

    This faith question has been around for a long time. It is a shortened version of the question, “If God knows everything, including the future, then is it possible for God to be surprised by anything?” In my last article, I suggested that God’s character defines Him more than His super-abilities. What is God’s character?

  • Makeup Tips for Dry Skin0

    If you have dry or dehydrated skin, first, know that there is a difference between the two. Dry skin is a skin type (your skin lacks oil), whereas dehydrated skin is a skin condition (your skin lacks water). If you suffer from either and are a person who also wears makeup, you’ve most likely experienced

  • Horoscopes0

    ARIES – Mar 21–Apr 20 Aries, this week you need to get back to business, especially if hobbies or other interests have been taking up much of your time lately. Avoid distractions at all costs. TAURUS – Apr 21–May 21 You may be excited about new prospects that are on the horizon, Taurus. With so

  • Watch for Motorcycles0

    It’s Wednesday, March 13, 2024, and here I am, in a t-shirt, laying on top of our hot tub cover, soaking up the sun while writing my Webb column. Yesterday, I came home from a 10-hour workday, and my daughter Kenzy met me at the car holding two beautiful bouquets of purple flowers. She was

  • Madness and Fools: Weird Words Through April 10

    You would hardly believe how many synonyms our language has for idiots, dummies, dopes, boobs, nincompoops, and morons. (OK, OK — so maybe you would believe it….) Since we all know — and often feel like — brainless people, I’ve been wanting to share these with my readers; and the approach of April Fools’ Day

  • The Bookworm Sez: “How to Win Friends and Influence Fungi: Collected Quirks of Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math from Nerd Night” by Dr. Chris Balakrishnan & Matt Wasowski, illustrations0

    How do you do? Howdy. Hey, there. Hello. Hi, how are you? It’s polite to greet people when you meet them for the first time, and respectful, too. Furthermore, it’s human nature to want to be liked, to find common ground and get along. Read the new book “How to Win Friends and Influence Fungi,”

  • Top 10 Happiness Research Insights From 2023 (Part 2)0

    In Part 1 of this article, I discussed the premise that everyone ultimately wants to be happy even if their actions don’t line up with this. Ultimately, everything we do, say, or even think is intended to produce an end result of happiness. Even self-destructive behavior is based on what we think will make us

  • The Bookworm Sez

    The Bookworm Sez0

    Ugh, that hurts! It hurts there and over here, the tops of your feet and the side of your knee, behind your eyes and between your shoulder blades. Your heart pounds, your hands shake, and your stomach’s rolling like a dice cup. You can’t complain, though. As in the new book, “All in Her Head”

  • Consistency


    Consistency. Consistency is a new word in my life that I never thought would have so much meaning for me. I can give the word consistency pretty much all of the credit for my weight loss and maintenance of that 65-pound loss. And, of course, the good Lord above! Without consistency, I couldn’t have done

  • Top 10 Happiness0

    Research Insights from 2023 – Part 1 Everyone ultimately wants to be happy, even if they are unsure how to go about it. The disconnect is usually what we believe will make us happy versus what will make us happy. The researchers at the Greater Good Science Center located at the University of California at

  • How to Style Overalls0

    Now that spring has sprung, you may be starting to unpack warmer weather clothes or at least are thinking about your spring style. Pastels and florals are springtime staples and work well for standard spring events like Easter or weddings and graduations. But for a more casual approach to spring style, I’ve been thinking about