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  • The Tell-Tale Heart0

    TRUE! –nervous –very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses –not destroyed –not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in

  • Good News!0

    As a pastor, I am often with people during very difficult times. In those settings, we regularly receive updates about the crisis — news that comes from a doctor, or a police officer, or some other professional that has the information we are very eager to hear. I must tell you, in those desperate moments

  • The Vinder Viper0

    Years ago, a man inherited a house from his great uncle who died in the war. The house sat on a hill outside of town in the next state and rumors were told that it was haunted. The man traveled to the town to inspect the house and found that it was a wonderful old

  • Active Community Assistance – Five helpful ways to lend a hand0

    Social responsibility comes in all shapes and sizes, but ultimately it comes down to one common purpose: making the world a better place. From volunteering at local shelters and community centers to feeding those in need at your local food bank, there are countless ways to give back within your community. According to the Bureau

  • Wait! He Can’t Commentate!0

    Imagine a small town radio station asks me to “assist” in a play-by-play Friday night football game. What would I bring to the table? Uh, I mean press booth. Before we go any further, there are opposing views on everything. Thus, for every fervent fan and parent who cherishes “Friday Night Lights,” there is a

  • 72nd Annual South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade This Saturday0

    The leaves are starting to fall, the air has a chilly crisp to it, there may even be some frost on those fall pumpkins, warm cider is bubbling, ghouls and goblins are ever-present and it is October, so it must be time for the annual South Williamsport Mummers’ Parade, which will step off for the

  • How to Have Flawless Makeup0

    When I first began working in an office full time, I struggled with a professional makeup look. My student years of dark lipstick and dramatic eyeliner weren’t really appropriate. After some trial and error, I figured out a cosmetic routine that complemented my face and fit into my professional style. The next challenge was keeping

  • Pumpkin-Perfect Autumn Recipes0

    Fall is perfect for making time for fun before the busy holiday season – go for a fall picnic, visit your local orchard or pumpkin patch, and take advantage of all the flavors fall has to offer. Try these delicious, comforting, no-hassle fall ideas that won’t carve a big chunk out of your budget: *

  • FALL CAR CARE – Four Tire Safety Tips for Winter0

    The same temperature you can begin to see your breath – 45 F – is also when the all-season tires on your car can start to lose traction and grip. As temperatures drop, drivers should remember that if you can see your breath, you should think about winter tires. Whether you’re planning a cross-country trek

  • “History of Wolves” by Emily Fridlund0

    Let it go. That’s what people say when others are upset: let it go. Shake it off. Can’t do anything about it now, so why dwell on it? Pretend like it never happened and that you didn’t see a thing — at least until, as in the new novel “History of Wolves” by Emily Fridlund,

  • Clever DIY Halloween Box Costume Inspiration0

    • Arts
    • October 18, 2017

    If you’re looking for a fun, creative DIY costume this Halloween, look no further than your next Amazon Prime delivery. Boxes from your online purchases can be used to create clever box costumes — or boxtumes — using supplies you already have around the house. Boxtumes can be as simple or elaborate as you’d like

  • Helplessness0

    Helplessness. An inability to defend yourself or act effectively. The moment in a person’s life when they are watching their world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. The feeling when you truly want to help, but there is nothing that you can do. In Las Vegas, on October 1, 2017, at