
Latest Issue

  • Another Father’s Day in the Books0

    • June 20, 2018

    So our fathers, the “breadwinners,” celebrated their big day on June 17. Another precursor that summer officially arrives on the 21st. Yippee! Spent this one a tad different, with a new acquaintance this time. I’ll tell you about that in a little bit. First things first. Let me thank my father Gerry Sr., for the

  • How to Break in New Shoes0

    I love getting new shoes, don’t you? There’s just something about putting my best foot forward in a brand-new pair of shoes that gives me a bit of a rush. Of course, I love shoes whether it’s new strappy stilettoes for an event, or shiny new slip-ons for spring. What I don’t love is the

  • Happy PRIDE!0

    So last year when I wrote about Pride Month, I got a lot of mixed reactions. I received a lot of really nice phone calls and emails, and I also got a bit of hate. For those who sent me hate — you may want to stop reading now. Cause I’m going to be straight

  • Big Brother0

    I have a confession to make. I stalk my children. I stalk my husband, too. I don’t know why I do it, actually. It’s a sickness, I guess — an unhealthy obsession with knowing exactly where my loved ones are at practically every moment of every day. Thanks to the fine people at Apple and

  • Shopping With Your Husband0

    I think it’s safe to assume that most husbands and boyfriends do no put clothes shopping with their significant other at the top of their fun-couple-things list. However, like taxes, shoveling snow, and changing poopy diapers, clothes shopping is one of those things you just have to buckle down and do, because naked is not

  • 35th Williamsport/Lycoming Flag Day March Thursday, June 140

    It will be a great day for “Old Glory” when the annual Flag Day March is held. It is a little extra special this year — since this will be the 35th time this venerable event will step off. In these sometimes contentious and tumultuous times, this event is a reminder of what is good

  • The Bookworm Sez: “They Lost Their Heads! What Happened to Washington’s Teeth, Einstein’s Brain, and Other Famous Body Parts”

    The Bookworm Sez: “They Lost Their Heads! What Happened to Washington’s Teeth, Einstein’s Brain, and Other Famous Body Parts”0

    Your neck bone’s connected to your backbone. And that’s a good thing. You want to be the most together person around, in more ways than one. No sense in having your body parts lying scattered when you really need them all in one place. Disconnection could be a problem, as you’ll see in “They Lost

  • Smart Ways to Keep Kids Safe in Crowded Areas0

    Amusement parks, beaches, tourist attractions, concerts, and local fairs attract families each year. Such outings can be exciting and enjoyable excursions, but panic sets in immediately when parents lose track of their children. It takes mere seconds for curious children to wander off, and as the minutes tick by and kids don’t return, parents may

  • Richard C. James: A Man Who Made A Difference

    Richard C. James: A Man Who Made A Difference2

    Various people say how important it is to try and make a difference in your community. Many of these people just talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Richard C. James talked the talked but also walked the walk. Boy, did he ever! Richard died suddenly last week at the age of 73, and

  • Ninth Annual Soap Box Derby To Be Held Saturday, June 90

    Market Street Hill will again be alive with the sight of soap box racers and spectators this Saturday, as the Ninth Annual Soap Box Derby is held. “Since 2010 this event seems to be getting bigger and bigger and gaining more interest,” Jim Campbell, one of the organizers of the event, told Webb Weekly. “The

  • Motherhood Anew0

    When I first became a mother, it felt as though time stood still, my days and nights never-ending, woven together into an unfamiliar tapestry that defined my upended world. I remember thinking the infant stage would endure forever and that I would surely be driven mad in the process. Sleep was a commodity I craved

  • If You Can’t Stand Up, You Can Still Stand Out, Part 10

    During my stint as a creative writing instructor at the JV Brown library a few winters ago, I posed a challenging question to my young students. Actually, I gave them a hypothetical story and asked them to write me a follow-up story on where it would all end up. I was curious to not only