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  • It’s 2018 – New Ventures, No Dentures…0

    The New Year has begun in fine fashion. Got some much-needed rest and relaxation, as in getting two days off in a row for me is as rare as a total eclipse of the sun. As our eyes know, that was already last year! As mentioned in an earlier piece, trying to “give back” with

  • The Jaded Eye… As the World Turns0

    “A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.” 

  • PA 2-1-1 System Making a Difference: Lycoming County United Way Helping to Fund the Solution0

    If you have an emergency and need the services of a first responder you have an easy three-digit number — 911 — that will help you summon assistance quickly, but when people need assistance due to unfortunate circumstances or an emergency in which they need the help of a social service agency, there is a

  • Virtual Food Drives: An Easy Way to Donate Nutritious Foods0

    What started as a one-day demonstration project on World Food Day in 1981 to address the needs of families struggling with hunger, has now turned into the largest non-profit food distribution organization in central Pennsylvania. The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank (under the umbrella of Feeding America and Feeding Pennsylvania) serves 27 counties from the border

  • The Jaded Eye … A Double Dip on Broad Street0

    The white, bent, rusted pole that held the “Tall Fox Novelties” sign remains close to the curb on Broad Street in Montoursville. But the orange, blue and white Rexall thermometer in the alley by the old store is long gone. Let me bring you some warm memories on a cold day. Maybe you frequented one

  • Faith Conversations … A New Year’s Tern0

    In last week’s article, I wrote about the incredible migratory journey of the fragile Monarch butterfly to illustrate the powerful instinct to worship that God has placed in every human being. Well, my ADD kicked again this week, and I found myself studying about the amazing migratory habits of a little bird that weighs in

  • This Week’s LION: Heather Wood – Family Healer

    This Week’s LION: Heather Wood – Family Healer0

    Social work is a profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups, and communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being. That is a noble-sounding ideal, and it attracts idealistic young people with a strong moral purpose. Some years ago, a South Williamsport native by the name of Heather Wood was an

  • Family Game Night0

    A classic gaming tradition has been making a comeback in recent years with a slew of new card games, board games and tabletop games geared towards folks who grew up playing Monopoly and Yahtzee with Mom and Dad on Friday night. I’m talking, of course, about family game night, and while the classics are all

  • The Jaded Eye… Here’s How the Cookie(s) Crumbled0

    • December 20, 2017

    For years on end, I played delivery boy during the Christmas holiday and enjoyed every minute of it. My mother took pride in making cookie trays for all our friends and some neighbors. It was my mission to load them into the car and get them to intended destinations. The variety was outstanding. And the

  • Faith Conversations… A Christmas Monarch0

    So the other day I was doing some research for this article on worship and happened to find myself on a website dedicated to the preservation of the Mon.arch butterfly. How you ask? Well, I was looking for a synonym for the word king and monarch was one of the suggestions. I clicked on monarch,

  • Outfits, Not Just Clothes… After Christmas Shopping0

    Last year, my Mom and I tried out a new holiday tradition — shopping on December 26th — where I discovered an unexpected blessing of the season, the After Christmas Discount! I scored some major deals and had fun to boot. Not everyone enjoys shopping or shopping with their mother. Truth be told, by the

  • The Wartime Christmas of 19170

    The year was 1917, thousands of America’s sons were on their way overseas to France to fight the “dreaded Hun” as America entered the slaughter that was World War I. Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States, and Martin G. Brumbaugh was Governor of Pennsylvania. The big news in sports was the early December