
Latest Issue

  • Milton Harvest Festival Celebrates 42nd Year0

    The Milton Harvest Festival opens its 42nd year with the Tomato Bowl football game on Friday night at Milton Alumni Football Stadium. The event continues with arts, crafts, food and fun on Saturday, September 8th and the 15th as Broadway and Bound avenues, in downtown Milton, are closed for the events. The Festival closes on

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Desolation Mountain” by William Kent Krueger

    The Bookworm Sez: “Desolation Mountain” by William Kent Krueger0

    The dream is one you’ll never forget. It’s dark, and scary, and it wakes you with pounding heart and dry mouth, a scream on your lips as your eyes slam open. It makes you afraid to go back to sleep. Like most dreams, it doesn’t make any sense. And, as in the new thriller “Desolation

  • My Signature is Worth $9.77, and Yours?0

    • Arts
    • September 5, 2018

    Autograph hounds take note. My signature is valued at a whopping $9.77. Not that I am overjoyed with that figure mind you, because when everything is said and done (as in this story) I am sure one of you would offer me the nice round figure of — $10.00! Autographs are highly sought after collectibles,

  • Discounts Available to the Over 50 Crowd0

    Many people may not look forward to the day they turn 50, but cracking the half century mark can have its perks. Many retailers and businesses offer discounts to men and women over 50, and the following are just a few ways that people who have turned the big 5-0 might be able to save

  • No Parking0

    I hate to parallel park, so I avoid it at all costs. Sometimes that means I attempt to maneuver my car into what appears to be a ridiculously small space and shortly thereafter, drive away, defeated. Other times I opt for a traditional parking lot and convince myself that that’s not cheating — even when

  • When Wood Did What it Could0

    Over the years, every sportswriter in Webb Weekly has discussed how the change in the construction of bats has affected the junior level of baseball and softball because of safety concerns. When a pitcher hurls a ball towards a batter, and it comes back at him or her with the velocity to punch a hole

  • Make it Mediterranean: Three dishes to highlight the next trend in internationally themed cuisine0

    Just like forward-thinking culinary artists, many at-home chefs seek out the next trendy flavor to provide friends and family gathered around the table. When pondering which trend you’ll dive into in the future, consider incorporating tastes from an especially influential international location – the Mediterranean Sea region. Considered by the experts at Les Dames d’Escoffier

  • The Community Theatre League Announces 2018-19 season0

    With more than 20 events, there’s something for everyone! The Community Theatre League, located in downtown Williamsport, is proud to announce its 2018-19 season! Affectionately known as “CTL,” the theatre company, entering its 42nd year, is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization which aims to educate, enrich, and entertain audiences in the greater Williamsport region. According to

  • That Back to School Feeling0

    I just got an invite for my 20th high school reunion, so it’s safe to say it’s been quite some time since I’ve had to gear up for a new school year. However, I just can’t shake that invigorating feeling when September rolls around, the weather changes, and fall clothes go on sale. This year,

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Last Cowboys: A Pioneer Family in the New West” by John Branch

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Last Cowboys: A Pioneer Family in the New West” by John Branch0

    You can’t take it with you. People have tried for millennia to keep all their toys but eventually, there comes a time to step aside and pass the baton to the next person who needs a chance. It’s their turn, their time to take things and run. The tricky part, as in the new book

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Language of Kindness” by Christie Watson

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Language of Kindness” by Christie Watson0

    There was a time in your life when you tried everything. Full-time, part-time, gig-worker, entrepreneurship, you changed jobs like most people change clothes. It’s exhausting and disheartening and author Christie Watson had the same experience: café worker, milk deliverer, video shop clerk, she tried them all but in the new book “The Language of Kindness,”

  • Fashion Mistakes0

    Let’s be honest — we all have outfits we look back on with a slight pang of regret. We’ve definitely held onto pieces a little too long or tried trends that didn’t work out. No one is perfect, especially when figuring out personal style through trial and error. There is a silver lining to making