
Latest Issue

  • Drive-Thru. No Thanks.0

    There are great multitudes of things my husband refuses to do based on what I assume are a warped set of principles. To name a few: He won’t put up a Christmas tree on or before Thanksgiving, he won’t arrange the bills in his wallet in any semblance of order, and he won’t pull up

  • “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School

    “My Christmas” By Nyseim Williams, 3rd Grade Jackson Primary School0

    The reason why I like Christmas is because it’s God’s birthday, and because of the meaning of giving. Sometimes I don’t like the presents, but I take them to be nice. My favorite part about Christmas is spending time with my family. My big brother is disabled, so I love him a lot. It’s like

  • Twice-As-Nice Holiday Treats

    Twice-As-Nice Holiday Treats0

    With 334 days leading up to December, make the most of the season by enjoying the holiday’s quintessential flavors like gingerbread, peppermint and cinnamon – with double the festive treats to please every taste. Transform one vibrant holiday flavor into two festive treats that family and friends are sure to love. Nothing signals the holiday

  • Thoughtful, Stress-Free Gift Giving

    Thoughtful, Stress-Free Gift Giving0

    When in need of inspiration during gift-giving season, focusing on thoughtful presents that align with the personalities and interests of your intended recipients can be a surefire way to delight even the hard-to-buy-for friends and family on your list. If you need a little extra help this holiday season, though, these ideas curated by the

  • Holiday Makeup0

    This holiday season as parties, activities, and events start filling the calendar, you may have your festive outfits all planned, purchased, and pressed, but what about your makeup? Too often, a great look will fizzle or sizzle depending on the head-styling (i.e. hair and makeup). While you may have your day-to-day beauty routine down pat,

  • Christmastime is Here…0

    Alright y’all. December is here, so I am officially on board for the Christmas season! I’ve started making my lists, and I even bought one present already! And it wasn’t even for me! It’s time for tree shopping, and ornament finding and I’m always on the hunt for vintage reindeer that border somewhere between adorable

  • Local Historian Tom Baird to Discuss Rare Copper Artifact at Museum – NCC8 Presentation Coincides with Museum’s Holiday Shopping Spree0

    Chris Andy adjusted his earphones and swung his metal detector left, then right, in a measured, cautious gesture. The sound, more clear this time, was distinct. The detector’s digital readout read copper, and he wondered if he would find another coin. Cautious to dig only a small divot from the turf, he heard the distinct

  • Winter Weather Emergency Preparedness

    Winter Weather Emergency Preparedness0

    As temperatures drop, the risk of severe winter weather conditions and sudden power outages rise. Preparing your family ahead of time can help minimize the impact of a power loss. Having an emergency preparation plan lets your family immediately shift into a proactive stance when an unexpected event, like power loss, occurs. Your plan may

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Us Against You” by Fredrik Backman

    The Bookworm Sez: “Us Against You” by Fredrik Backman0

    You’re going down. Down, defeated, beaten, and sent home. You’re losing, not winning, and you need to know how it happened so it won’t happen again. Winners are champs, losers are chumps, and the latter is no fun. Besides, as in the new book “Us Against You” by Fredrik Backman, losing can take an entire

  • The Art of the Perfect Gift

    The Art of the Perfect Gift0

    Even in a world where just about anything is a few clicks away, finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list can still be a difficult task. One trick to winning the holidays is bringing back the basics by choosing presents you know your loved ones need and can actually use. Consider these crowd-pleasing

  • 16th Salvation Army Festival of Trees To Be Held December 7 At Lycoming Mall0

    A chance to vote on beautifully decorated Christmas trees and the opportunity to help support the Salvation Army will again happen when the 16th Annual Salvation Army Festival of Trees is held at the Lycoming Mall on Friday, December 7, beginning at 7 p.m. This annual event is sponsored by the Lycoming Mall, Backyard Broadcasting

  • The Guide to Foolproof Babyproofing During the Holidays0

    You’ve spent the last nine months readying for your new bundle of joy, but is your home ready, too? As baby grows, so does his or her curiosity and ability to explore—and with the holidays fast approaching, even more people and hazards are afoot. Make sure your home is ready for a safe holiday celebration