
Latest Issue

  • Fuel to Your Mornings

    Fuel to Your Mornings0

    As spring is here, we have looked forward to the sun getting closer to us and feeling the warmth of it on our face. Mornings are brighter, and days get busier as the weather gets nicer. When I was heavier, breakfast was my biggest issue. I never ate it. I went all morning with nothing

  • 5 Tips to Overcome Adversity0

    There probably is not a single person in our community, or in the world for that matter, that has not been impacted by the world-wide Coronavirus pandemic. Schools have been shut down, kids will miss prom, and graduation as we know it is unlikely. Vacation plans have been postponed or canceled and entire seasons for

  • Thriving In the Resurrection0

    These are tough days. Grief and fear have overtaken many who are hopeless. My friends, because of the resurrection, we who trust in Jesus Christ do not grieve like those who have no hope! Listen to what Paul wrote to the church in I Thessalonians 4: “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to

  • Katie Jones Won Gold at Big Ten Indoor Track Championships0

    Katie Jones of South Williamsport made a statement earlier this year at the Big Ten Indoor Track and Field Championships by taking gold for PSU in women’s pole vaulting with a height of 4.25 meters (13’11-1/4”). Her nearest competitor was Jessica Bray from Perdue, who cleared a height of 4.15 meters. In addition to taking

  • What Day Is It!?

    What Day Is It!?0

    It’s hard remembering what day of the week it is. For Easter, I was prepared. I knew it was coming and knew I needed to order and get everything I needed in the middle of March. I couldn’t wait to do an Easter column for the Webb. The one and only holiday I hadn’t gotten

  • The Bookworm Sez0

    Hunker down. That’s what you’ll be doing for the immediate future: trying to stay well or get well or just waiting. You’ve had enough TV and the pantry’s as clean as it’ll ever get, so maybe it’s time to find something to read. Why not try one of these great books: FICTION If you’re a

  • Virtual Happy Hour0

    Skype calls, online learning, live-streamed exercise classes, it’s a whole new virtual world. Beyond work and lessons, people are also looking to the Internet to lessen feelings of social isolation. One of my favorite outlets here during this stay-at-home order are virtual happy hours. Not only does an evening “event” help give the day/week structure,

  • Stay Positive and Be Grateful0

    I recently received an unexpected, but welcomed, phone call from a long-time friend and mentor. In some of my previous articles, I mentioned this same high school wrestling coach that took me under his wing and introduced me to competitive powerlifting. Though we have generally stayed in touch over the years, we are both extremely

  • Limiting your Shopping0

    Limiting yourself to the grocery store right now is so important. I miss Wegmans. A lot. My husband does our shopping now because I was so sick the past two years with respiratory issues, that I can’t fool around with this stuff. I don’t want to be stuck in a hospital for a week again.

  • Dressing for The Rain0

    April showers not only bring May flowers, but they also bring the challenge of staying dry during this first full month of spring. Now, you may think rain gear is purely functional, or that rainy day outfits are boring. But, there are stylish ways to dress for wet days. Of course, we’re in a time

  • Container Gardening Tips

    Container Gardening Tips0

    Gardening is beneficial in various ways. The AARP states that some of the health perks associated with gardening include improved mood, increased vitamin D levels (which benefits bones and immune system) and reduced risk of dementia. In addition, if gardening efforts include growing herbs, fruits and vegetables, it can be a cost-effective way to eat

  • An Easter Just Like the First One0

    This year’s celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is going to be quite different. Church buildings are going to be empty. No sunrise services. No choir anthems. No congregations cheering, “He is risen! He is risen indeed!” Instead, it’s going to be quiet. The inhabitants of earth will be sheltering in their homes. Did