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  • Old School Recipes

    Old School Recipes2

    Do you remember recipes from when you were little that your grandmother or even your mom used to make you? Ones that you didn’t have often, but when you have it, it triggers that memory of those old brown bowls or a dish that your grandparents used to have? This week my mom made a

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Dangerous Crooked Scoundrels: Insulting the President, from Washington to Trump” by Edwin L. Battistella

    The Bookworm Sez: “Dangerous Crooked Scoundrels: Insulting the President, from Washington to Trump” by Edwin L. Battistella0

    You’ve got a few things to say about that guy in the White House. If not now, well, you’ve said a few things about other guys in the White House over the years – much of it civil, but some of it was inappropriate for polite society. And in “Dangerous Crooked Scoundrels” by Edwin L.

  • Mother’s Day Woes0

    I have not had a good track record of celebrating Mother’s Day as a mother. No brunches, or jewelry or flowers for me, which is fine. I’ve never been a big supporter of the “Hallmark” holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother, and I love showing her how much she means to me.

  • New Wine Is Flowing0

    Church buildings have been empty for about eight weeks. The last time our church held any type of in-person meeting was Monday, March 16th. Before we ended that meeting, we took time to pray for God’s wisdom and discernment. We knew it would be the last meeting held at our church for a long time.

  • The History of Mother’s Day1

    When we think of Mother’s Day in modern times, we think of greeting cards, flowers, and Sunday brunches with mom, but there is quite a lot more to this annual celebration than one would think. Mother’s Day is observed annually in more than 40 countries around the world and can be traced back for thousands

  • Make Mother’s Day Special

    Make Mother’s Day Special0

    Each and every day a new woman becomes a mother for the first time or all over again. Being a mother changes a person’s life in dramatic ways. Mother’s Day is a great time of year to honor mothers and attempt to give back just a portion of the tireless love and devotion moms offer

  • Mother’s Day Ideas for Moms From All Walks of Life

    Mother’s Day Ideas for Moms From All Walks of Life0

    Mother’s Day is a celebration of women who devote so much of their effort and energy to their families. Celebrating Mom on Mother’s Day lets her know all of her efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. Mothers may perform similar tasks, but no two moms are the same. Finding ways to celebrate Mom’s uniqueness can make the

  • A Go-To Gourmet Breakfast for Mom

    A Go-To Gourmet Breakfast for Mom0

    Skip the cereal and frozen foods for a spread like these Orange Eggs Benedict with a homemade hollandaise sauce. With six servings, it’s perfect for a Mother’s Day breakfast at home. Orange Eggs Benedict Serves: 6 Orange Hollandaise: • 2 egg yolks • 1 orange, juice only • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt • 1/2 cup

  • Quarantine Snackin’

    Quarantine Snackin’0

    OK, so honest show of hands. Who is doing a lot of quarantine snackin’? Is it because you are bored? Stressed? Sad? Food makes people happy, and it gives us something to look forward to. Not much to look forward to nowadays, but, if you give yourself something to look forward to, then it can

  • Work From Home Makeup0

    Moisturizer and Chapstick may be the only two things you currently wear on your face as you work from home. But, on days when you have a Zoom call or planned a virtual hangout, you may feel the need to put in a bit more effort to elevate your bare face to a natural makeup

  • Local Seamstress and Family Pitch in to Make Masks0

    By Dave Bellomo For local seamstresses, Florence Welshans, and her daughter, Nicole Warner, making masks to help the community is a family affair. For Welshans, owner of Flo’s Sewing, Alterations, and Embroidery located outside of Jersey Shore, it was seeing the lack of masks available to those that truly needed them that motivated her to

  • In Praise of the House Dress0

    As the practice of social distancing continues, I think we can all agree that the idea of staying in pajamas all day has lost its appeal. Many of us have been spending these past few weeks at home in sweats, yoga pants, maybe even joggers. But, with warmer weather on the horizon, now is a