
Latest Issue

  • Pine Creek Valley Wellness Center To Hold Open House0

    According to Mental Health America, a national nonprofit dedicated to the promotion of mental health, well-being, and illness prevention, approximately 50 million Americans are currently experiencing some form of mental illness. In addition, over 12.1 million adults have reported serious thoughts of suicide at some point. While it is abundantly clear that there is a

  • Over 40 Style0

    I will proudly state that last month, I turned 44; I am middle-aged, and it is a widely known fact that great style is ageless. Some of the most stylish women in fashion are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s and have spent a lifetime curating their refined looks while still making current trends work

  • Rationalization0

    Note: This article is in a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are always available at A good man can’t do a bad thing until he has twisted his mind into thinking a bad thing is a good thing. The act of doing so is called rationalization. Rationalization is the act of justifying behavior

  • Laughter Really is the Best Medicine0

    I thought I would take a break this week from my usual topics of health and the occasional sports story and veer just a little off my usual path. As I may or may not have mentioned in past articles — I honestly can’t remember — I work full-time in community health education and outreach.

  • The Bookworm Sez: “Grizzly Confidential: An Astounding Journey into the Secret Life of North America’s Most Fearsome Predator” by Kevin Grange

    The Bookworm Sez: “Grizzly Confidential: An Astounding Journey into the Secret Life of North America’s Most Fearsome Predator” by Kevin Grange0

    You never went anywhere without him. Your teddy bear was both cuddler and comforter, he dried your tears, slept with you, had his own place at the table and through the years, he put up with being dragged, thrown, slobbered on, and scapegoated. He was your constant companion and you loved him literally to tatters,

  • SpOoKy Good Time

    SpOoKy Good Time0

    Last year, I shared with you about my pap and gram’s (Floyd and Lois Liddick’s) amazing pumpkin parties. This time of year, I can’t help but think of these precious memories. Both sets of my grandparents gave us the best childhood memories. I am so beyond thankful for grandparents who wanted to be with us

  • How to Style a Polo Shirt0

    Every so often, an understated clothing item comes around into the trend cycle, which gives you a chance to re-wear a beloved staple in a new way or explore an accessible item you may have overlooked in your style past. Right now, the polo shirt is having a moment for men, women, and children. Yes,

  • The Bookworm Sez: Living Your Best Life – Today, Tomorrow, and a Half-Decade from Now

    The Bookworm Sez: Living Your Best Life – Today, Tomorrow, and a Half-Decade from Now0

    You’ve got big plans. Resign from your current job and find work that makes your heart sing. Spend time with family, maybe research your genealogy. That dream vacation is on your list, and you’re eyeing a new hobby that looks fun. So many possibilities for your retirement. Now read “The Second Fifty” by Debra Whitman,

  • Fu-Manchu Twinsies!0

    Last Halloween was the first Halloween that fell on a work day for me, and I knew I had to dress up and do something fun. That’s half the fun of Halloween: dressing up like someone else. I’ve always worked for myself, but for the past two years, I have had a part-time job as

  • Opportunity0

    What causes a good man to make a terrible decision and suffer a moral failure? So far, we have talked about vulnerabilities and the things that intensify those vulnerabilities. When a vulnerability intensifies, you can be sure an opportunity will present itself. Note: This article is in a series called Two Roads. Previous articles are

  • Former Pro Soccer Coach Connects Athletes and College Teams0

    For most young athletes, playing a sport at the college level is their dream. However, getting noticed by college coaches and recruiters today takes more than simply being good at a sport. Often, athletes — even stars — coming from small towns never get on the radar of the teams they would like to play

  • The Bookworm Sez: “The Rising: The Twenty-Year Battle to Rebuild the World Trade Center” by Larry Silverstein

    The Bookworm Sez: “The Rising: The Twenty-Year Battle to Rebuild the World Trade Center” by Larry Silverstein0

    If it was easy, everybody’d be doing it. But it’s not, so you’re on your own. Think of it as a challenge. Seriously, you’ve never known a roadblock you couldn’t go around, no fence you couldn’t climb, no chasm you couldn’t jump. It’s true that nothing’s ever as easy as it could be, but as