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  • Time Saving Strategies0

    It can be difficult to get motivated after the rush of the holidays, especially when the weather reminds us that bears have the right idea with the whole hibernation thing. Alas, very few of us have the luxury of “switching off” in the winter. And, even though dreary days seem to drag on, we can

  • Outfits, Not Just Clothes… After Christmas Shopping0

    Last year, my Mom and I tried out a new holiday tradition — shopping on December 26th — where I discovered an unexpected blessing of the season, the After Christmas Discount! I scored some major deals and had fun to boot. Not everyone enjoys shopping or shopping with their mother. Truth be told, by the

  • Being Thankful0

    • Arts
    • December 15, 2017

    Lately, the world seems like a crazy and chaotic place. Every day there is some new disaster, attack, or crisis. While it’s almost effortless to get wrapped up in the 24-hour news cycle, as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I’d like to take a moment here and focus on the good things in life. Some

  • Hosting Mistakes0

    If you have decided to host a holiday event in your home this season, whether it be for friends or family, for Christmas Eve or New Year’s Day, chances are you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted. Or, if you are anything like me, you may be asking yourself “what did I

  • Stay Stylish This Winter0

    With winter right around the corner, and the chilly days already here, it can be challenging to pull together a stylish and functional cold-weather outfit each morning. With sweaters and puffy coats adding bulk, static electricity causing hair havoc, and dry skin making every fabric feel like steel wool, getting dressed each day can be

  • Being Thankful0

    Lately, the world seems like a crazy and chaotic place. Every day there is some new disaster, attack, or crisis. While it’s almost effortless to get wrapped up in the 24-hour news cycle, as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I’d like to take a moment here and focus on the good things in life. Some


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