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  • Five Outfits for the Bride0

    Wedding season has kicked off with a royal bang! You may have heard about that little ceremony across the pond. For most brides, the dress you’ll wear as you walk down the aisle has been decided months out from your big day, but don’t forget the events surrounding your journey to ‘I do.’ Engagement party,

  • Re-Building a Summer Wardrobe0

    It’s starting to feel like summer and, with the wintry spring we just had, your wardrobe may not be ready for this sudden warm weather. Ideally, you’d have a bit more time to transition winter apparel from your closet to storage, and assess the state of your summer clothes, shop for replacements, etc. But not

  • Professional Summer Wear0

    The warmer weather is finally here! As much as I love the sunshine and the summer styles that go with it, short hemlines, bare shoulders, and breezy silhouettes can be a bit too casual for the workplace. While some offices are more laidback than others, chances are denim cutoffs, and tank tops are most likely

  • Rule of Three0

    Some days the idea of putting together a coordinated and polished outfit that not only flatters but functions, can be daunting — if not downright impossible. For myself, I fully admit that I probably spend TOO much time thinking about what to wear and planning ensembles for the week ahead. But, you don’t have to

  • Packing Up the Family0

    It’s that time of year again — Family Vacation! Whether you’re hitting the open road in an RV or flying down to Disney World, chances are that getting everyone packed will be a challenge. It’s usually up to Mom to get everybody organized, but no matter who’s in charge of what on the vacation “to

  • Ingredients for Good Skin0

    Everyone has skin concerns — even my 2-year-old, who is prone to dryness and eczema. Depending on how proactive you are on in addressing those concerns, bear in mind we shed a full layer of skin every seven years, so it’s a good idea to re-evaluate how your skin has improved in some ways, and/or


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