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  • Practical Summer Shoes0

    It used to be, years ago, a pair or two of flip-flops was all you needed (shoe-wise) to see you through the summer. Now, summer is just as busy as any other season, maybe even more so with countless outdoor activities, trips, weddings, home projects, camps, etc. Add all of that up and, whatever shoes

  • How to Make Clothes Last this Summer0

    While you may love summer with its temperate mornings, sunny afternoons, and lighting-bug evenings, it can be a hard time of year for your clothes. Regardless of the season, repeated turns through the laundry will start to deteriorate your clothing; however, you can’t not wash sweaty t-shirts and grass-stained shorts, right? Here are a few

  • How to Look Polished Fast0

    Whether you have small children or not, getting up and out of the door on time looking presentable can be a challenge. If given the time, I can turn out a polished look that is not only presentable but stylish. However, most mornings, after wrestling my daughters into their clothes, I’d much rather just go

  • What to Wear to Work0

    How many times have you laid in bed in the early morning asking yourself, “What am I going to wear to work today?” Workplace dress codes, whether official company policies dictate them, or more casual standards everyone adheres to, can be difficult to navigate as casual styles are becoming more prevalent in day-to-day life. Unless

  • Spring Beauty0

    The trees are budding, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining, so yes, it’s safe to say spring is here! What I love about this season, besides the obvious warmer weather and being outside more, is that it is a great time to reassess your beauty routines and freshen up your face, hair,

  • Dressing the Family this Easter0

    Growing up, each spring my mother would get me a new dress to wear on Easter Sunday. “Get” and “new” being somewhat arbitrary words, because she did not always buy a brand-new dress. Some years, I wore hand-me-downs, some years she made the dress, some years we found a secondhand dress. With two little girls


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