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  • Mascara Cocktailing0

    Who doesn’t love a good makeup hack, especially when it involves a staple such as mascara? And who doesn’t love using everyday products in new ways? Well, if you said “not me” to either question, then you should skip the rest of this article because we are doing a deep dive on the latest makeup

  • Father’s Day Closet Upgrades0

    When we married, I told my husband I would never tell him what to wear unless he asked. And I’ve kept that promise for twenty years, and for twenty years, I’ve turned a blind eye to the many fashion crimes he’s committed. I can no longer ignore such atrocities, so for this Father’s Day, whether

  • Summer Fun Outfits0

    I don’t know about you, but one of the ways I get myself through the dreary bouts of winter weather is by dreaming up ideal summer activities, vacations, and trips. A big part of that daydreaming-as-self-care is planning (and in some cases fantasizing) all of the warm-weather outfits I’d wear. Now that we are in

  • Camp Style0

    With Memorial Day behind us, all signs are pointing toward the lazy days of summer. Or, at least nostalgia for those carefree days summer always promised us as kids. Truth is, summer can be a very hectic time, and work does not stop for most grown-ups. However, the idea of summer camp makes me long

  • Properly Applying Sunscreen0

    The importance of wearing SPF is well documented. It’s the non-negotiable product that all experts agree should be worn every day — rain or shine — to protect all skin tones against UVA and UVB rays. In turn, it helps reduce the risk of skin cancer and slow down the signs of aging. But are

  • Summer It-Bags0

    Hands down, the best part of summer for me is getting out and about and making plans with friends. Some of my favorite warm-weather activities include day trips, hiking, breweries with patios, dinner dates, and anything that will wear out my children. And, of course, for those of us who think about these things, with


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