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  • Finding Life’s Purpose – Part 20

    In Part 1 of this article I discussed my personal struggle with finding purpose and meaning in life and comprehending my mortality. Heavy stuff. Based on the number of articles I found in my research, however, I am not alone. If finding greater meaning is unnecessary for your happiness I am truly glad for you.

  • Finding Your Life’s Purpose Part 10

    What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? What is my life’s purpose? I’ll admit, these are questions that have haunted me my entire life. Some people can go through life without thinking of these big questions and are blissfully happy. They are able to go to work, live each day without major

  • Life is Like a Box of Chocolates0

    Forrest Gump was a novel written in 1986 by Winston Groom. The main character was a lovable man that stumbles and bumbles his way through life and history. The book, however, did not reach peak fame until July 6th, 1994, when the movie premiered starring actor Tom Hanks. Both book and movie are very quotable,

  • City Police Revive K9 Program0

    In the beginning of 2020, the City of Williamsport and surrounding region will see a new police K9 unit. A dog named Tacoma, named after the Toyota brand truck, is a male mix of Belgian Malinois and German Shepherd. Tacoma and his handler, Tyson Minier, will be the first of potentially three K9 units. The

  • The New Love Center Feeds Those in Need0

    If your house is like mine during the holidays, it is filled with friends, family, and lots of food. I have been celebrating Thanksgiving, in particular, with my wife’s family for more than 20 years and it involves getting together a group that sometimes exceeds 120 people. There are tables of turkey with stuffing, potatoes,

  • It is always the right time to do the right thing0

    I had a sales director once that used to say that it is always the right time to do the right thing. He taught me that generating sales is relatively simple; just help the client. He was well respected, very clear about his values, and was the same person at work as he was in


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