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  • A Brief History of Kettlebells0

    When I first took on this column, I mentioned that my tastes in writing spanned the full spectrum of topics. This particular topic is about taking a funny looking piece of metal and using it to create a brutally effective home workout. Certainly, appropriate in these times, as going to any public place has become

  • Time – More Precious Than Money0

    These are certainly strange time indeed. A world-wide pandemic, record unemployment, snow in May, protective facemasks everywhere we go, and, oh yes…murder hornets! Well, maybe murder hornets aren’t the most pressing item on the apocalypse menu, but this is definitely an unusual and interesting time to be alive. One thing has not changed, however, and

  • The History of Mother’s Day1

    When we think of Mother’s Day in modern times, we think of greeting cards, flowers, and Sunday brunches with mom, but there is quite a lot more to this annual celebration than one would think. Mother’s Day is observed annually in more than 40 countries around the world and can be traced back for thousands

  • Local Seamstress and Family Pitch in to Make Masks0

    By Dave Bellomo For local seamstresses, Florence Welshans, and her daughter, Nicole Warner, making masks to help the community is a family affair. For Welshans, owner of Flo’s Sewing, Alterations, and Embroidery located outside of Jersey Shore, it was seeing the lack of masks available to those that truly needed them that motivated her to

  • 5 Tips to Overcome Adversity0

    There probably is not a single person in our community, or in the world for that matter, that has not been impacted by the world-wide Coronavirus pandemic. Schools have been shut down, kids will miss prom, and graduation as we know it is unlikely. Vacation plans have been postponed or canceled and entire seasons for

  • Stay Positive and Be Grateful0

    I recently received an unexpected, but welcomed, phone call from a long-time friend and mentor. In some of my previous articles, I mentioned this same high school wrestling coach that took me under his wing and introduced me to competitive powerlifting. Though we have generally stayed in touch over the years, we are both extremely


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