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  • Conformity, Maturity and Freedom0

    In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus directs His church to make disciples. This passage is often referred to as The Great Commission. Most churches claim that making disciples — leading people to spiritual maturity — is a key element in their mission statement. But many leaders, including me, recognize that we are falling short. Instead of striving

  • Christmas Toys and Living Water0

    Every year there seems to be a must-have Christmas present that everyone is trying to buy. I did a little search and came across a list of the top Christmas gifts going all the way back to the 1920s! Along with the list, I have added a little commentary of my own. While still enjoying

  • The Most Unkindest Cut of All0

    Have you ever noticed that people do awful things to each other? Silly question, right? We’ve all been on the receiving end of rude and hurtful behavior. And if we care to admit it, we’ve also dished out our fair share, even if unintentionally. We live in a tough world and trespasses happen all the

  • True Value0

    What has more value, gold or water? Before you answer that question, let me tell you a little story. Wilbur had done his research. Native American folklore, geological surveys and several productive scouting trips had him convinced that there was gold in the high desert. He sold nearly everything he owned to finance his expedition

  • Jesus Will Return in 19882

    The church was packed and overflowing with people — a rather unusual sight for our little country church. It was Sunday, September 11, 1988. Even JD was at church — and for JD to be at church was a big deal. But before I go any further, let me explain the backstory to this momentous

  • Keeping the Balance of Now and Forever0

    Over the years, my side hustle has always been construction. I have worked on several construction crews and most of them kept a specialized tool on hand called an attitude adjuster. This tool is employed whenever a piece of material is stuck. The application of the tool is usually enough to get the material unstuck.


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