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  • True Value0

    What has more value, gold or water? Before you answer that question, let me tell you a little story. Wilbur had done his research. Native American folklore, geological surveys and several productive scouting trips had him convinced that there was gold in the high desert. He sold nearly everything he owned to finance his expedition

  • Jesus Will Return in 19882

    The church was packed and overflowing with people — a rather unusual sight for our little country church. It was Sunday, September 11, 1988. Even JD was at church — and for JD to be at church was a big deal. But before I go any further, let me explain the backstory to this momentous

  • Keeping the Balance of Now and Forever0

    Over the years, my side hustle has always been construction. I have worked on several construction crews and most of them kept a specialized tool on hand called an attitude adjuster. This tool is employed whenever a piece of material is stuck. The application of the tool is usually enough to get the material unstuck.

  • Diligent Visibility0

    My first assignment in full-time ministry was at a very nice church that just happened to be in the middle of nowhere in Western PA. I was hired to be the youth pastor. It was the summer of 1986. I was fresh out of college and newly married. Sure seems like a long time ago.

  • Faith Conversations … A New Year’s Tern0

    In last week’s article, I wrote about the incredible migratory journey of the fragile Monarch butterfly to illustrate the powerful instinct to worship that God has placed in every human being. Well, my ADD kicked again this week, and I found myself studying about the amazing migratory habits of a little bird that weighs in

  • Faith Conversations… A Christmas Monarch0

    So the other day I was doing some research for this article on worship and happened to find myself on a website dedicated to the preservation of the Mon.arch butterfly. How you ask? Well, I was looking for a synonym for the word king and monarch was one of the suggestions. I clicked on monarch,


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