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  • Risen Grace: All-In Belief0

    “He is risen from the dead!” His friends were trying to convince him, but Thomas just wasn’t buying it. He had watched Jesus die — and that was a fact, plain and simple. But before I continue writing about Thomas, let me tell you a story about all-in belief. A few weeks ago, two of

  • Risen Grace: Restored to Purpose0

    Simon sat on the bow of the boat and watched the eastern sky begin to reveal the first light of day. They had been on the water all night long and had absolutely nothing to show for it. Simon couldn’t sleep because he was confused. Deeply confused. Simon was a fisherman. Bold and confident, he

  • Risen Grace: Restored to Unity0

    Adam and Eve were created to exist in perfect unity. In Genesis chapter 2, that unity is described as one flesh. We know this to be true because one of the consequences of Eve’s sin was that her husband would rule over her. To be clear, Eve was not created to be in subjugation to

  • Living with Nothing to Prove0

    Jesus knew exactly who He was, so He had the freedom of living with nothing to prove. When tempted in the wilderness, the enemy’s first two attacks had to do with Jesus proving He was the Son of God. If Jesus had taken the bait, His sin would have disqualified Him from the work He

  • Set Free from the Prison of Regret0

    King David sat alone in the dark and grieved the events of the past year. The unthinkable mess all started when he slept with another man’s wife. And it wasn’t just any man – it was the wife of one of his soldiers. A warrior king, David was filled with shame for committing such a

  • Conformity, Maturity and Freedom0

    In Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus directs His church to make disciples. This passage is often referred to as The Great Commission. Most churches claim that making disciples — leading people to spiritual maturity — is a key element in their mission statement. But many leaders, including me, recognize that we are falling short. Instead of striving


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