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  • Transforming Grace: Holy Spirit0

    The goal of my writing today is to inspire you to access the powerful transforming grace God has made available to us through the Holy Spirit. In this series of articles, we are recognizing one fundamental truth regarding transformational grace: God provides the grace, but we must access it. Doing so requires discipline. We access

  • Transforming Grace – Prayer0

    The goal of my writing today is to inspire you to access the powerful transforming grace God has made available to us through prayer. Prayer is the act of communicating with God. Let’s take a moment to consider the significance of that first sentence. Through prayer, you and I are given the ability to speak

  • Faith Moving Forward

    Faith Moving Forward0

    In honor of Mother’s Day, I have a special message for the ladies. Actually, it’s a message for anyone who struggles with having faith in themselves — or even in God. In a callous world that mercilessly judges and compares everything we do to an impossible standard, it’s not unusual to think, “I am not

  • Transforming Grace0

    This article is the first in a series describing how God changes us from spiritual infants into fully mature spiritual adults who are able to successfully pursue and accomplish God’s purposes. Friend, the call to spiritual maturity is imperative. It is the call to have the mind of Christ and to be holy – even

  • There Is a God; You’re Not Him0

    I know the title I chose for this week is offensive to some. I understand. Frankly, it’s a bit offensive to me. Something within the heart of every one of us wants to believe that we are the top. That we are the masters of our own destinies. That we can define our own morality.

  • The Narrow Road0

    We’re living in divided times. Why? Because people are becoming very narrow-minded and incapable of understanding and respecting someone else’s point of view. Worse, they seem completely unwilling to even try. It’s their way or the highway. It’s driving us all crazy. With a big holiday coming up in just a few days, families will


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