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  • Truth in Tension: The Nature of Truth0

    Before getting out of bed this morning, I checked my phone for missed calls, texts, and emails. I also scanned the weather forecast and radar imagery. I checked the World-o-meter Covid numbers from yesterday. I looked at satellite pictures of Russian troop movements along the Ukraine border and read an article about diplomatic negotiations taking

  • Truth in Tension: What Is the Truth?0

    In John 18:38, Pilate asked Jesus Christ, “What is the truth?” Consider the awesome significance of that moment. Pilate, a mere mortal, was given the opportunity to ask Almighty God, face to face, a most significant question. Sadly, and much to our dismay, Pilate didn’t bother to wait for the answer. The question, “What is

  • Elijah’s Prayer Battle0

    The story of Elijah’s epic prayer battle against the prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mount Carmel is a must-read for every believer. If you’re not familiar with the story, take a moment to read it. It’s a good one. It is found in I Kings 18:16-39. Making sense of this prayer battle requires some

  • Why We Pray0

    There are seasons in the Christian life that could be described as cooling off on prayer. They are seasons of prayerlessness. It happens mainly because of disappointment. How often have we faithfully gone to our knees in prayer, and it didn’t seem to make one bit of difference? It’s like our prayers never made it

  • Warfare Prayer0

    In this first article of 2022, I can think of nothing more important to talk about than prayer. And because we are living in such perilous times (we always are), it seems important that we talk specifically about warfare prayer. There is a time for everything, even war. See Ecclesiastes 3:8. Actually, Christians know we

  • Following Confidently0

    “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 Have you noticed that life is like a wild ride on a roller coaster? It is constantly going up and down and around — and even upside down. Worse yet, like Disney’s Space Mountain (a


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