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  • Eat, Drink & Be Scary

    Eat, Drink & Be Scary0

    “Mommy, why didn’t the skeleton walk across the road?” Kenzy asked me in the car on the way to dance lessons. “Hmm. Because he was dead?” I asked with a laugh. (I mean, I thought that was a pretty solid answer.) “Nope. He couldn’t walk across the road because he didn’t have any guts!” She

  • A Rainy October Day

    A Rainy October Day0

    I stopped into Weis in Jersey Shore. The phones weren’t busy at work, and I got all the fuel tickets done, so I left around 12:30. I was looking forward to a rainy Thursday and thought soup sounded perfect for dinner. Weis is only a few minutes from work, and I thought I’d beat the

  • Making Tomato Sauce with Momma

    Making Tomato Sauce with Momma0

    My momma is probably reading the title of this, going, “Oh boy.” She never knows what I may write, but the day we made sauce, we said what a good column this would make. We have been harvesting food together for years, but I remember when I was a little girl, my mom would be

  • Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover

    Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover0

    As I sat on the front porch last week of our beautiful log cabin high on top of a mountain overlooking the Smoky Mountains, I couldn’t help but take it all in. Each morning we went out to sit in the line of rocking chairs that awaited us. Some of us had coffee, while others

  • Happy Fall Y’all

    Happy Fall Y’all0

    Fall is the season for all senses. The feel of cooler temperatures after a long summer. A warm, visually pleasing palate of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. The taste of pumpkin in everything. The sound of crunching leaves underfoot—the smell of woodsmoke. There’s something about driving past a house with smoke coming out of the

  • Bake My Day!0

    One afternoon when my husband got home after work, he went to get a snack. By 3:45, he is ready for something to eat before dinner, which typically every night is about 6:00. I buy him the little chocolate chip muffins from Aldi’s that he loves with his morning coffee. These one-bite wonders are perfect


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