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Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Hey Webb family! Is everyone ready to get out of hibernation? I think Mr. Punxsutawney Phil may have been right this year. It was a pretty nice March for the most part. Those sixty-degree days have been pretty awesome.

You all know just how much I love the seasons. Winter being ONE of my favorites. I am just so grateful that we here in PA get to enjoy the transition of each season.

After a cold winter slowly falls into spring, seeing everything come back to life is truly one of life’s simple pleasures.

Summer rolls in with the heat, but allows us so many fun outdoor activities like grilling, swimming, fireworks, boating, gardening, camping, and spur-of-the-moment ice cream trips.

Then, the days start to become shorter, the night grows chillier, and then BAM, my favorite season of all! Fall. Where everything is so bright and beautiful and the sound of leaves quickly falling to the ground. It’s amazing how God created each season with so much thought and beauty.

Don’t take this world for granted. Just look around. As everything starts fresh and new again, take a deep breath and thank God for making this world for you. I don’t care if you don’t like spring or if you don’t like winter. Each season was created in God’s eye — to give us a fresh start every few months.

Stop and smell the tulips. Stop and smell the fresh-cut grass. Stop and smell that burger cooking on your neighbor’s outdoor grill. (Or don’t, because then you’ll want to invite yourself over for dinner! Ha!) But seriously, look at the joy that each season brings. Something NEW!

As we start a fresh new spring season this April, thank God for not only giving us his son to die on the cross but for his continued love, even before we were born. It’s truly remarkable when you think about it. God’s love is everything!

You all know that breakfast is one of my favorite meals, and there is nothing like some breakfast potatoes to go with a tasty breakfast sammy or some eggs and ham with a side of taters. Hey, they don’t have to be for breakfast, though. Feel free to pair them with whatever meal you feel! These babies would go well with pretty much anything. So easy and makes a great side dish for any occasion. Enjoy!

Fried Taters Sausage and Onions
– 2 tablespoons olive oil
– 4 large potatoes, cut into small cubes
– 1 large bell pepper or equal amounts of multicolored peppers, sliced
– 1 small, sliced onion
– Salt and pepper to taste
– Dashing Salt to taste

Fry taters in heated olive oil on medium heat in a large pan or skillet. Stir until everything is coated. Season with all the seasonings. Stir again. Spread the taters across the pan and add 2 Tbsp. of water. Cover with lid and let cook for ten to fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. You want the potatoes to start getting brown. Once the taters have started to soften and brown, add the onions and peppers. Continue to cook with the lid off. Add more water if needed, or even a little oil. Cook for another ten minutes. Taste and season more if needed. Everything will be ready to serve.