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For those of us who lead in the Church world, integrity is essential. We can talk all we want about the mission of God and church growth and global compassion and social justice, but unless we have integrity, we’re just blowing smoke.

The word integrity means to be principled, functional, sound, whole, real, transparent and trustworthy. How important is integrity? Would you drive across an earthquake-damaged bridge if a large warning sign posted at the entrance said, “This bridge has been damaged and it’s integrity has been compromised. Travel at your own risk.” I don’t know about you, but I would turn around. Why would I risk trusting a bridge that has questionable integrity? Friends, when our churches lack integrity, those we are trying to serve ask the very same question.

When our churches lack integrity, we offer empty hope — like clouds that bring no rain and autumn trees that bear no fruit. See Proverbs 25:14 and Jude 1:12. The Church claims to be different — you know, holy, hopeful, loving, compassionate, friendly, forgiving, inclusive and united. We claim to be safe, honest and trustworthy. Frankly, because we follow Jesus Christ, people assume all of this and more. Between what people know about Jesus and what we advertise about ourselves, the integrity bar has been set high.

Maintaining integrity requires discipline and diligence. Integrity is fragile, really fragile. An egg shell is perfectly suited for protecting a developing critter, but it can be broken so easily — and once broken, life is lost. That may sound a bit over dramatic, but let me assure you, integrity is that important. Picture Penn State and Jerry Sandusky. PSU is still trying to recover — but more importantly, without integrity, children were abused and scarred for life. Frankly, it made our whole state look bad. It was awful. And it all happened because integrity was not maintained. Seriously, we’ve got to get this right.

So what areas do we need to focus on? Here’s a list, but it is far from exhaustive:

Integrity means that we are a vibrant, functional, healthy and loving Body of Christ—shepherding well the flock God has placed in our care and raising up a new generation of transformed missional disciples. This is missional integrity — and we’ve got to get it right. The world and the Kingdom of God are counting on us!

Integrity means that we love each other deeply and that we guard our tongues from gossip and slander by carefully obeying the First-Person Rule as commanded by Jesus. See Matthew 18:15-20. Gossip is destructive and divisive. If you have a problem with someone, then go to them and get it straightened out — just between the two of you. That’s what Jesus said. To do anything else or anything less is sin. My guess is that gossip is likely the most pervasive sin in the church. Gossip destroys unity and integrity. And please, don’t use the guise of “sharing prayer requests” or “I was just being concerned” as a way to cover your gossip. My mom’s rule was a simple one: if you don’t have something nice to say, then say nothing at all. Proverbs 10:19 declares that “Where words are many, sin is not far off.” Most Christians would be better off if we just talked less.

Integrity means that we diligently protect our children and youth from all forms of negative influence, abuse and exploitation. No child should ever be abused while under the care of the Church. If your church doesn’t have strict policies in place that effectively protect children, then you need to get it done immediately. While gossip may be the most pervasive, child abuse is the most damaging. Jesus had strong words for those who would cause a child to stumble, “It would be better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck and to be drown in the depths of the sea.” Matthew 18:6. The most vulnerable among us are worthy of our most diligent protection.

Integrity means that we guard the sanctity of marriage and preserve the dignity and purity of our brothers and sisters in Christ, avoiding even the appearance of evil. According to I Timothy 5:1-2, we are to “treat older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.” Guys, our ladies should feel safe with us. According to God’s Word, sexual impropriety within the Body of Christ is incest. They aren’t just female, they are your mothers and sisters in Christ — treat them with respect and dignity.

Integrity means that we prove to be financially trustworthy, guarding our financial processes, distributing funds as we have been directed or as we have promised, and providing financial reporting regularly and openly. The Church, above any other organization, should be completely trustworthy with money. Does your church have policies in place that guard your financial integrity? If you don’t, then get it done now.

Integrity means that our decision-making processes are transparent, protected from political influence or selfish ambition, and consistently in line with basic organizational disciplines. Again, the Church should do better than any other group.

One last thing. When one church fails, it casts a dark shadow over every church. When one church leader fails, it casts a dark shadow over every church leader. Sadly, due to a lack of integrity, there are a lot of shadows being cast over churches and leaders who have done nothing wrong. To those of you who have demonstrated faithfulness and integrity, thank you! Your shining example reminds us that God’s light overcomes the darkness! Keep up the good work and know that you are storing up treasure in heaven! We are grateful for you!

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