Latest Issue

  • Hope Springs Eternal0

    What a month of March it has been. From the well above average temperatures to the full moon, red moon, and lunar eclipse to the great accomplishments by local area athletes. March came in like a lion and went out like a lion for some very talented teenagers. When you reach the last column of

  • Silly & Safe: Harmless April Fool’s Day Pranks for Kids0

    I know I’m a little early, but since our next issue won’t come out until after, I figure I’m giving you ample opportunity to plan ahead! April Fool’s Day is the perfect opportunity for kids to giggle, be a little sneaky, and surprise their friends and family with lighthearted tricks. The key is keeping the

  • Spring, Spring, Spring Sings the Robin0

    Congratulations to Brandt Harer and Austin Johnson on bringing home state gold earned through their efforts on the wrestling mat. For my money, wrestling is the most demanding sport on the athletes participating. Almost all who finish their high school careers at Hershey have put in more blood, sweat, and tears since they were knee-high

  • Spring Is Here, and We’re SO Ready for It!0

    Cue the birds chirping, the sun shining, and the flowers showing off — spring has officially arrived! After what felt like an endless winter (seriously, did January have 74 days?), we can finally ditch the heavy coats and say hello to warmer, brighter days. I heard the first mourning dove while walking my dog the

  • A Spring Mix of Thoughts0

    I want to begin this week with a happy Saint Patrick’s Day; whether you’re Irish for the day or Irish for a lifetime, please get out and about and enjoy all our area has to offer. I must also add that if you’re partaking in adult beverages, please do so responsibly. Don’t allow a little

  • Avoiding Scams0

    I got a phone call this week from a woman named Jenny Golden. And Jenny was asking for help. She needed a voice and a platform, so I offered to help. Jenny’s Facebook profile was hacked, and unfortunately, that resulted in friends and strangers alike getting scammed out of money and leaving Jenny on the

  • Fire up the Bull-DOGE’R as March Madness Begins0

    Hello, West Branch Valley; I’m in agreement with the meteorological community; spring begins on March 1st. And that is worth celebrating with the winter we’ve had. I wish it were possible to have all the cheerleaders across our area doing the old-school “let’s get fired up” cheer for you as you begin reading my words.

  • Hello March!

    Hello March!0

    Alright, y’all — March is officially here! We’ve (hopefully) made it through the cold, dreary winter, and now we’re stepping into longer days, warmer weather (hopefully), and plenty of reasons to celebrate. Whether you’ve been counting down to spring or just need a fresh vibe shift, March is the month for it. Spring is Spriiiinging!

  • Not Jimmy and Thoughts on Life0

    Yeah, yeah…not Jimmy. Listen. Jimmy is over winter and over February, so he’s decided to hibernate until March officially arrives. So, he’ll be back next week. In the meantime, you are stuck with me. When we talked about me taking his space for the week he asked if I had anything near and dear to

  • Big Bucks Down0

    Spring training has begun, and the month of March is in sight. This can mean only one thing: it’s time for that column that so many of our hunters and outdoorsmen have been waiting to see. We have the results for our 17th Annual Webb Weekly Uncle Ron’s Monster Buck Contest. Before I get to

  • President’s Day, Love, and Superbowl Leftovers0

    With President’s Day approaching, I have heard from many of you waiting for my column and thoughts about President Trump’s first month in the White House. The most interesting thing is as I engage people in conversation, I either know or they inform me what political party they are registered with. I think the mainstream

  • The Best* Valentine’s Day Dating Advice Ever0

    Valentine’s Day is upon us, and love is in the air! Or maybe that’s just the smell of desperation mixed with discount chocolate and regret. Either way, if you’re looking for a date this February 14th, I have compiled the absolute best* advice to ensure your Valentine’s Day is as romantic and memorable as possible*.