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  • The Ultimate Deer Rifle0

    The overnight pole light guided my steps as I crossed the yard, headed to the patch of woods in the hollow in the center of our property. Once leaving the area illuminated by the artificial light, I had only the stars overhead that were dancing heal to toe to aid in my travel. It would

  • Heading to Deer Camp0

    The Pennsylvania Game Commission has just released a bulletin, as they do every year about this time, cautioning all motorists to slow down and stay alert for increased numbers of deer crossing the highways. The “rut,” or fall breeding season is about to peak, and the deer are definitely on the move. Many yearling bucks

  • The Roving Sportsman … The Time is Now0

    Daytime temperatures are now peaking in the 50s, and nighttime temperatures are in the 30s and low 40s. Several recent sunrises have revealed a light frost from the night before. The fall colors are peaking or have peaked in our area, and the falling leaves are allowing increased visibility in our woods. The acorn drop

  • She’s a Keeper!0

    Last week, I broke the mold, so to speak — instead of writing about hunting, shooting, fishing or outdoor adventures, I shared something that was happening in my personal life. Today, I am happy to pen what Paul Harvey would say is “the rest of the story.” This past weekend, my family and some friends

  • The Roving Sportsman… Wish Me “Good Luck!”0

    While my usual writings for this column are about shooting, hunting and general outdoor topics, I feel I should share with you something of a more personal nature that is unfolding even as I write this installment. While I tend to stay at arm’s length with my personal life in the articles that I write,

  • The Roving Sportsman … Tasty Table Fare0

    The best way to insure that the venison you will serve your family and friends for supper is as flavorful as possible is to take only a well placed shot, do a thorough and clean job during the field dressing and cool down the meat as quickly as possible. More often than not, if someone


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