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  • The Roving Sportsman… The Next Step0

    Creating a management plan for your property is the first step in optimizing the habitat on your land. Having put down on paper a list of your property’s inventory, a list of the end goals for the work you will do and some of your ideas as to how you can accomplish your objectives, it

  • The Roving Sportsman: Creating a Management Plan0

    Most people would agree that if you are serious about accomplishing a goal, you need a plan. This becomes even more critical when you are looking at a complex set of goals and time and money may be limited. Such just might be the case if you are a landowner, member of a hunting club

  • Wintertime Project0

    “Cabin fever” hits us all, whether we try to avoid it or not. After days in a row of overcast skies, falling snow and below freezing temperatures, it is difficult not to be bitten by the feeling of being closed in with little hope of getting outside. Fortunately, within a few days, the weather changes

  • The Roving Sportsman… Redemption0

    I was sick. I wasn’t suffering from nausea or some variety of the flu, instead it was that knot in the pit of your stomach you get when something has happened that twists your mind all up with negative thoughts and you just can’t stop thinking about it. I cursed myself for having missed the

  • The Roving Sportsman… Lesson Learned0

    I begin with a confession. Yes, I did recently pen an article in which I discussed choices of rifles and calibers when it comes to deer hunting. And, yes, I sang the praises of a .260 caliber rifle and the 120-grain ballistic tip bullet it uses. The truth remains that I have, over the years,

  • Becoming One of the “Frozen Chosen”0

    I guess the first question that many of my friends and acquaintances ask me is, “Why would anybody want to become one of the Frozen Chosen?” Believe it or not, the number of people who opt to walk the hard water in search of fish is actually increasing. Over the past couple of weeks, my


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