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  • The Roving Sportsman … Hinge Cuts and Brush Piles0

    There are good days and not such good days to head to the woods to do some habitat work. The past few days, with temperatures below zero and wind chill temperatures well below zero, were not good days! But as things warm up a bit and we return to more comfortable conditions; it will be

  • The Roving Sportsman… Venison Recipes0

    The final day of the statewide flintlock season is behind us, signaling no more deer hunting until this coming fall. Hopefully, you found success and are now wondering about the best way to prepare venison for a family meal. To start with, the best assurance of a tasty meal is a well-placed shot, proper field

  • The Roving Sportsman … Winter To-Dos0

    The final deer season throughout the state is about to wrap up. While various predator-hunting is still available, most hunters consider the hunting season “a wrap” until the state spring gobbler season sneaks up on us on May 3, 2025. “Snowbirds” will begin migrating south to bask in the warm southern sunshine, but most of

  • The Roving Sportsman … Knowledge through Reading Tracks0

    If you are willing to devote the time, you can gain a great deal of knowledge by learning to read what animal tracks can reveal. Whether your goal is to become a better hunter, to develop a better understanding of Mother Nature’s wonders, or to discover just what animals frequent the woods where you hike

  • The Roving Sportsman… It’s Not Over Yet!0

    Pennsylvania’s fall turkey season is over, the bear season has ended, and the regular firearm season for deer ended on December 14. For many of the Keystone State’s hunters, the end of the rifle deer season signals that it is time to clean their rifles and shotguns and that the hunting season has ended. But

  • The Roving Sportsman… Christmas Gift Ideas0

    With less than two weeks of shopping days left until the arrival of Christmas morning, we need to take a serious look at a couple of great ideas for that hard-to-buy-for sportsman on your gift-giving list. The ideas will include items I have used and found to be highly useful and handy for any hunter,


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