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  • The Roving Sportsman… Wet a Line, Throw Some Lead, or Simply Take a Hike!0

    Congratulations! You live in Lycoming County or perhaps one of the surrounding counties. Or maybe you are a frequent traveler who comes to our neck of the woods to enjoy what this “slice of Heaven” of Northcentral Pennsylvania has to offer. In any case, if you are into the outdoors, welcome to Paradise! Throughout my

  • Time for an Equipment Check0

    The statewide Pennsylvania trout season begins in just a few days — Saturday, April 2, to be exact. The statewide spring gobbler season starts on Saturday, April 30, and the Youth Hunt for spring gobblers will be held on Saturday, April 23. With those dates in mind, it might be a great time to examine

  • The Roving Sportsman… Ahhh —Spring is Here!0

    Finally, the daytime temperatures are reaching into the 50s and 60s, we have seen the last of the late winter snows (hopefully!), and it’s time to get outside and tackle a few springtime chores. The bluebirds have been showing themselves for a while now, but if you have not yet done so, you should (carefully)

  • The Roving Sportsman… Is Venison Truly a Healthy Choice?0

    Every fall across this great land of ours, thousands of hunters head to the fields and hills to pursue their favorite game animals. Those of us throughout the eastern states will most often pursue whitetail deer. Hunters often travel to the western states to hunt mule deer, elk, moose, Bighorn sheep, and antelope. While some

  • The Roving Sportsman… Eastern Bluebirds0

    The signs of spring are starting to appear. First was the arrival last week of the plump-breasted worm-eating robins. Then just two days later, several eastern bluebirds were perching in the nearby maple tree and checking out the numerous bluebird boxes scattered along the field edge. As bluebirds begin to leave their winter hangouts and

  • “Valuable Ammunition”0

    Whether you are a hunter or a target shooter, or both, you are keenly aware of just how valuable ammunition is these days. Not only is it usually as scarce as hen’s teeth, but when you find it, it is as expensive as all get out. But, I am not actually referring to ammo for


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