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  • Move Over March0

    Begrudgingly, we have to give Punxsutawney Phil his due. The furry varmint’s unwelcomed prediction of ‘six more weeks of winter’ certainly rang true. But now that spring has officially made its presence on the calendar; we can all turn our thoughts to the more pleasant days ahead. March’s ending brings with it a trio of

  • Upon Further Review0

    In recent years those three little words have increasingly become part of sports lexicon — driving some to be mindful of that old axiom ‘be careful what you wish for.’ Initiated as a mechanism to use modern technology as a tool to increase officiating accuracy on the field of play, there are those who are

  • 33 & 660

    33 & 66 The deluge of televised college basketball in recent weeks may verge on a bit of overkill. It almost seems that every college hoops game being played anywhere found itself on one television network or another. With the hysteria of March Madness now upon us, basketball junkies are in hoops heaven and office

  • A Special Moment

    A Special Moment0

    Generally speaking, the sports world is not a homogeneous spheroid. As the recently concluded Winter Olympic Games clearly demonstrated, some sports that excite a particular region of the globe are looked upon by others with a bit of curiosity or indifference. While the world of sports may differ, those who indulge in the same at

  • The Road to 900

    The Road to 9000

    A few days after Loyalsock’s basketball team achieved win number 900 for veteran coach Ron Insinger, the coaching legend was kind enough to sit down and share his thoughts on what it all means to him. “Believe it or not I can vividly remember each one from 100 on through. Reaching a lofty goal is

  • Recruiting Reality0

    For those of you who were able to stay up until the wee hours to watch last week’s NCAA championship game between Alabama and Georgia, it was quite obvious just how important recruiting is to the college game. Freshmen who were playing in high school one year earlier were making play after play in the


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