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  • Sinibaldi’s Swan Song

    Sinibaldi’s Swan Song0

    As the game clock counted down to under a minute to play South Williamsport basketball coach, Rob Houseknecht knew it was time for a curtain call for his seniors. It wasn’t the way he or his players had hoped the season would end but for Pete Sinibaldi, Cole Lentz, A.J. Flick, Ryan Weinhoffer, Tyler Trojan

  • Spring Sports on the Horizon0

    Recently, a cartoon appeared on Facebook. It depicted a shivering groundhog holding up a sign stating, “I lied.” Imagine the nation’s ‘most followed weather prognosticator’ admitting he falsely misled us — and this admission coming on the heels of George Washington’s birthday — the man who couldn’t tell a lie! That false prophecy was on

  • South Williamsport Mini-Thon to Honor Their Own0

    Earlier this month more than 700 Penn State students turned the Bryce Jordan Center into a 46-hour dance marathon raising $10,621,683 helping the Four Diamonds Fund support more than 4,000 families in their battle with pediatric cancer. Originated in 1973 the annual event is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world having now raised 167-million

  • Cutters Tidbits0

    With Major League Baseball spring training facilities now in full swing in Florida and Arizona and the local populous anxiously waiting Punxsutawney Phil’s prognostication of an early spring to ring true, Gabe Sinicropi, the Williamsport Crosscutters vice-president of marketing & public relations, took some time to talk baseball with this reporter. Webb Weekly: What has

  • That Group

    That Group2

    There has never been a time when so many instant communication options are available for public use. Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are commonplace. Most everyone shares their personal stories on Facebook and uses the medium to troll for friends, often boasting about how many ‘friends’ they’ve connected with. But in reality, are those ‘friends’ really

  • The Playoffs0

    When the winter high school sports teams gathered for their very first official practices back in November most talked about goals, they wanted to achieve. Yes, there were always those personal goals that players used for self-motivation, but in just about every case team goals included advancing to the district playoffs. Now, three months later,


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