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  • Life’s Little Things0

    The past few months have been like nothing we’ve seen All caused by an unwelcomed intruder – COVID-19 Its presence has brought with it misery and woe The Governors now tells us where we can go Families have been affected; jobs have been lost There’s really no telling what this will all cost Once only

  • Lycoming College Looking Ahead to Re-Opening0

    As colleges and universities across the country scramble with their game plans as to how they will go-about educating their students and re-establishing some sort of normalcy on their campuses this fall, Lycoming College has announced their intentions to conduct a ‘full residential campus opening’ when classes resume. Inquiring as to how that plan will

  • What Price to Pay?0

    ? Of late there have not been too many days that have gone by without an announcement being made cancelling or postponing some event or activity that folks had been anticipating. Well, you can get out your marker and get ready to cross another off the calendar soon — perhaps that determination even arrived before

  • Wait Until Next Year0

    Despite our current ‘social distancing’ and ‘yellow’ directives, one thing remains constant; ‘people do talk.’ It has now been three weeks since Little League International President and CEO Steve Keener put out the word everyone thought was coming but still didn’t want to hear — the cancellation of the 2020 World Series. Although social conversations

  • Host Community to Feel the Void0

    By Scott Lowery While the news media accounts of the Little League World Series sent around the world, each August carry the dateline Williamsport, PA; as all the locals know since the late 1950s, it is South Williamsport that calls the Series home. As the Borough Manager & Public Safety Director of the host community,

  • Drop the Mic0

    The announcement was not a surprise. Most folks were hoping against hope that it wouldn’t come. But Little League International President & CEO Steve Keener’s April 30 pronouncement that this year’s World Series and related regional tournaments would not be played will leave a huge void not only in our community but around the world.


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