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  • Home Field0

    With the winners of the NFL championship games determined, the debate will rage on for the next twelve days as to which team will emerge from Las Vegas as the 2024 Super Bowl champ. Both opinions and money will flow freely as it is estimated between 20 & 25 billion dollars will be wagered on

  • A Friend in Fruend0

    During this winter’s coldest stretch, last week’s annual Williamsport Crosscutter Hot Stove Banquet served up before a sell-out crowd was a reminder that baseball’s spring training opens next month, and the locals MLB Draft League campaign is not that far behind. The brainchild of Cutters VP of Marketing Gabe Sinicropi, the annual event gave attendees

  • A Rerun?0

    Every so often to lighten the late-night mood, I find myself tuning in to WNEP-2 to catch reruns of the old Johnny Carson late-night show. While Carson’s monologue and guests are not timely, they remain funny and entertaining. Unlike the current late-night lineup of Carson wannabes whose mission seems to be hurling unfunny insulting jabs

  • Maze & Blue to a Peacock Hue0

    It wasn’t sweet music to the ears of many of the 72,220 fans filling Houston’s NRG Stadium for college football’s national championship game, but it was a tune frequently played to the delight of all those wearing maze & blue. “Hail to the victors valiant. Hail to the conqu’ring heroes. Hail, hail to Michigan, the

  • This Committee Got it Right0

    No doubt many of you have served on some sort of committee over the years. Professional, social, or recreational committees are charged with a decision-making purpose for the organization they represent. They are intended to bring together a representative group to arrive at a meaningful outcome. While they are commonplace, it has often been stated

  • Dollars & Sense0

    Welcome to 2024! Ready or not, it is here. Hopefully, this past holiday week’s festivities went well, and Santa treated you kindly. Perhaps not if you are an MLB baseball fan of teams other than the Dodgers. Possibly, it can be put thusly: it’s the week after Christmas, and all through the town, if you


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