
Latest Issue

  • Sauerkraut – a ‘Tradition?’0

    Like so many other things in our daily lives, time seems to be racing by. For me, it doesn’t seem possible that this is the 52nd Webb Weekly column penned in the last year. Often at this time of the year, many publications and television shows are filled with those ‘look back’ features that reflect

  • Fishing with Mike O’Brien… Quotes Of Angling Humor And Wisdom0

    “There is an old saying that one can never enter the same river twice. The river is always new; the man is forever changed.”- Mike Crockett and Grant McClintock, Flywater “It is the challenge of the fishing more than it is the catching of the fish.”- Joseph D. Bates, Jr., Atlantic Salmon Flies & Fishing

  • The Roving Sportsman… A Tale of Two “Pops”

    The Roving Sportsman… A Tale of Two “Pops”0

    This is a story of two grandfathers doing what grandfathers often do — stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run… The story really begins with the return of Army Staff Sergeant Shawn Somits (John’s son and Scott’s son-in-law) from his final tour of duty in the Middle East. Shawn was always an

  • Sporting Matters with Spence… More Pickelball0

    Happy Holidays sports fans. Cheers to your joyous celebrations and extra stuffed stockings. It’s the most excellent time of the year. Okay I admit, I am one of the worst shoppers of all time. I never know what to buy and always wait until the very last minute. I’ve ex.perienced many epic failures and tend

  • The Roving Sportsman… Great Stocking Stuffers!0

    With only a few more shopping days before Christ.mas morning arrives, hopefully, you have taken care of all of the major items on your gift list and can now turn your attention to the last minute items and the ever-popular “stocking stuffers.” I reflect back, fondly, to the early days when the three stockings, hand-knit

  • Outdoors with Ken Hunter… Archers Set New Bear Kill Record in PA0

    A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a piece on how great Pennsylvania’s black bear hunting is compared to other states. Our bear population has remained stable and even increased in recent years, and that’s even in spite of record bear kills. This year’s archery bear kill is further evidence of our robust bear population

  • Scott on Sports: The List0

    With apologies to Clement Clayton Moore: ‘twas the week before Christmas and all through the town excited young children tried not to frown! At this very special time of the year, life’s normal routine is anything but normal. The pace quickens, anticipation levels rise, and minding one’s Ps & Qs is of prime importance for

  • Webb Weekly Gem of the Week… Big Games Abound as Area Athletes Open Winter Season0

    One year ago Mitchell Klingerman was sitting on the bench during a Loyalsock basketball game wishing for a chance to play. It wasn’t because of skills. It was simply because Loyalsock year in and year out has a lot of talent. Klingerman quietly went about his business, working hard after practice and through the off-season,

  • Sporting Matters with Spence… Just Get the Ball to Dom0

    Dominick Bragalone has always been a special player. I can vividly remember calling a few of his scholastic games. After each broadcast, I became more and more impressed with his blazing speed and effortless power. Dom was outstanding, and the opposition could only hope to contain him. It didn’t matter if they stuffed the box.

  • Getting Your Boat Ready For Hibernation0

    Winter will eventually arrive; a season when we will no longer be able to enjoy regional boat fishing. Now is the time to get your boat ready for storage. The approach for long-term boat storage — periods without any use — is different than storing a boat between outings. Following a rigorous winterization routine helps

  • Lycoming Goal0

    My recent “Movember” awareness effort was an epic failure. An absolute disaster, like my unsuccessful write-in campaign. I am sorry folks, but I was forced to throw in the towel after a few days of growth. My lovely bride wasn’t impressed with the shaggy scruff above my lip. She gave me an ultimatum — shave

  • The Roving Sportsman… The Ultimate Deer Rifle0

    The overnight pole light guided my steps as I crossed the yard, headed to the patch of woods in the hollow in the center of our property. Once leaving the area illuminated by the artificial light, I had only the stars overhead that were dancing heal to toe to aid in my travel. It would