
Latest Issue

  • Time to Limber Up That Fly Rod0

    The opening day of trout season is still a month away — April 14th here in our part of the state — and a couple of weeks until the trout opener in the southern part of the state on March 31st. With the openers still that far out, why would I be ready to give

  • My USABat0

    I must say that I am truly humbled by all the praise. Special thanks to those who give me props. Writing was never a forte, and I am extremely grateful that my lovely editor invites me back each week. English was by far my worst subject growing up so you can imagine the emotions when

  • Former US Olympic Standout Softball Pitcher Jennie Finch To Conduct Clinic At Liberty Arena March 24

    Former US Olympic Standout Softball Pitcher Jennie Finch To Conduct Clinic At Liberty Arena March 240

    By Lou Hunsinger Jr. Young softballers seeking to improve their game will have the opportunity to learn from one of the best when former U.S. Olympic Softball Team standout and Gold Medalist, Jennie Finch conducts a clinic at the Liberty Arena in downtown Williamsport on Saturday, March 24. Time magazine once described Jennie Finch as

  • Upon Further Review0

    In recent years those three little words have increasingly become part of sports lexicon — driving some to be mindful of that old axiom ‘be careful what you wish for.’ Initiated as a mechanism to use modern technology as a tool to increase officiating accuracy on the field of play, there are those who are

  • The Roving Sportsman: Calling All Gobblers0

    It is said of spring gobbler hunting that three of the most important factors for success are woodsmanship, patience and calling expertise. Patience, on the one hand, seems to be something we are either born with or not. Woodsmanship, on the other hand, is something that evolves over years of spending time in the out

  • The “Sock”0

    No, this is not going to be a story about one of my favorite socks, but it is a piece about one of my favorite trout streams — the Loyalsock Creek. My wife and I left DuBois, PA following our wedding and our next stop that evening was just beyond Williamsport. I remember telling her

  • Springtime Turkey Tactics0

    When it comes to upping your chances for success in the spring gobbler season, there are several things to keep in mind that will help fill your tag and make the season even more memorable. Spend time scouting. Scouting prior to the spring gobbler season is just as important as doing your homework before the

  • 33 & 660

    33 & 66 The deluge of televised college basketball in recent weeks may verge on a bit of overkill. It almost seems that every college hoops game being played anywhere found itself on one television network or another. With the hysteria of March Madness now upon us, basketball junkies are in hoops heaven and office

  • One-Man Volleyball Team Promotes Positive Message For Students0

    School students confront a devil’s brew of issues and challenges these days such as school shootings, teenage suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, and bullying. One man, Bob Holmes, offers an unconventional, but hopefully, effective positive message of hope through his one-man volleyball exhibition and rally that he will be presenting at Loyalsock High School on

  • Local Swimmers Dream Big As PIAA Swimming and Diving Championships Open Later This Week0

    This week the PIAA Swimming and Diving Championships open at Bucknell University. There will be plenty of swimmers and divers from all over the state trying to stake their claim as the top in their respective discipline. The event will be stretched over four days and feature swimmers from both AA and AAA. There will

  • Biddy Ball0

    Don’t get me wrong folks. I enjoy spending a few hours in a local gym every weekend, but this has been a very hectic winter. Jensen and his extracurriculars certainly keep us busy. From baseball practices to basketball games. “Call of Duty” competitions and neighborhood Nerf Gun wars. We are always on the go, and

  • More Fishermen Wanted0

    Take someone fishing. Understand, the word “fishermen” in the title is meant to include men, women, and children. Now that I’ve cleared that up, what am I talking about when I say more fishermen are wanted? For starters, it’s no secret that the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has been seeking a license fee increase