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  • Paddlers May be Required to Register Their Craft0

    The rest of the “Frozen Chosen” and I are actually considering hitting some hard water sometime next week so why am I writing about paddling watercraft around as we dip into the winter months? The reason is that there may be some changes coming in the near future regarding non-powered watercraft, and those changes will

  • The Changing Face of Deer Hunting

    The Changing Face of Deer Hunting0

    Yes, I’m old enough now to have watched the many changes that have come to deer hunting in our state. At one time Pennsylvania boasted of over a million hunters for the opening of deer season, but today we are well below that number. It may also be true that there were more deer, at

  • The Hard Water Cometh0

    I know, there are a lot of people who don’t want to hear about the lakes freezing over because that means bitter cold days, snow that needs to be shoveled, windshields that need to be cleaned, and a whole lot more that comes with winter. To the “walk-on-water crowd” however, the freezing temperatures mean it

  • Bears – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.0

    The statewide archery season and the statewide firearms season for bears in Pennsylvania is now over however we still have the extended season for several days in late November that varies according to the wildlife management unit being hunted. With around 20,000 bears now roaming Pennsylvania’s woodlands your chances of success are pretty reasonable. While

  • Commission Updates0

    In last week’s column, I mentioned the news that the Fish and Boat Commission will receive $250,000 from the state to relocate and build another launch site somewhere nearby. The commission will match the state’s funding with another $250,000. Don’t plan to launch your boat at the new ramp for at least a couple of

  • Muncy Boat Access?

    Muncy Boat Access?0

    For local fishermen and boating enthusiasts, the Muncy access — or lack thereof — has been somewhat of a hot topic. As many of us who frequently used the Muncy access know, the access to the Susquehanna River has been closed for quite some time now due to silt buildup from Muncy Creek. Actually, calling


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