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  • Hunting Regulations – Old and New0

    With the archery hunting season about to get underway on October 3, I’ve been putting as much practice time in as possible with my compound; hopefully, the practice pays off. As we move into the fall hunting seasons, I also like to make it a point to review the Hunting and Trapping Digest that you

  • It’s “Big Game Season”0

    Yes, I know, all the big game hunting seasons are upon us, but it’s also the season for another kind of big game hunting, or maybe I should say big game fishing; I’m talking bass and the pike family. While I plan to do my share of deer hunting, you can bet I will also

  • Trout Under Stress0

    I’m sure I don’t have to remind anybody reading this piece that those of us inhabiting this part of the state are experiencing a serious lack of rain over the past couple of months. This lack of rain has taken its toll on a number of my neighbors’ wells — mine included. The area of

  • Spotted Any Coyotes Lately?0

    With the thick foliage and overgrown fields, seeing a coyote right now may prove to be pretty tricky. That doesn’t keep them from showing up on our roadways. Granted, you may, on rare occasions, have one bolt across in front of you while traveling down some country road, but if you know what to look

  • Accessing Rivers During Low Water Periods0

    It’s no secret that at least this part of the state is suffering from some of the lowest water levels in rivers and streams in a long time. Fishing medium and small streams is difficult, and fishing for trout during this hot, dry period is not recommended due to the harm it would do even

  • The Hunting Seasons are Upon Us0

    It’s probably safe to say that most of us outdoor types have not given much thought to the upcoming hunting seasons, especially in light of the hot, dry weather that has engulfed us over the past month. But ready or not, the hunting seasons are about to begin. It’s also that time of year that


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