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  • Catching Fish on a Frozen Lake0

    With decent ice forming on a number of area lakes, the hard water gang is out in full force. Last week we took a look at how we hard water anglers penetrated the ice barrier just to access the fish, but now I want to zero in on how to hook and land a fish

  • Try Something Different – A Coyote Hunt0

    I’d be the first to admit that I am not a dedicated coyote hunter; I have on a few occasions pursued coyotes both during the daylight and at night, but I had no success. My lack of success by no means reflects a lack of coyotes and quite the opposite, I suspect, since coyote populations

  • Changing Gears0

    Now that the regular firearms deer seasons are over, it’s time to start looking at some other outdoor ventures — more specifically, I’m talking about ice fishing. Sure, there are still some hunting opportunities that remain, like the late archery season, flintlock hunting for deer, and of course, some small game hunting, but if weather

  • My Dears Got Deer0

    Last week I wrote about deer hunting success with a first-time hunter, but this week I want to explore what happened with some of the female hunters in my life. Yes, my dear wife tagged an antlerless deer last week, and I’m sure there are a lot more men these days who are seeing their

  • Sometimes it All Comes Together

    Sometimes it All Comes Together0

    Now that the regular firearms deer season has ended, the stories of success and of failure are a frequent part of deer hunting enthusiasts’ conversations. It usually doesn’t take long for the “devices” to come out, and photos of successful hunts are passed around for everyone to see. Many of those photos include first-time hunters.

  • There’s No Guarantee

    There’s No Guarantee0

    Oh yes, it’s that time of year again; a fresh coating of white covers the ground, and the sound of Christmas carols can be heard in many different locations as we move about. It’s also that time of year when we frequently hear that familiar greeting, “So, did you get your deer yet?” What usually


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