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  • Our “Ugliest” Winged Creature0

    Maybe I should be a little more considerate and rephrase that story title and say our “not so attractive” winged creature. If you haven’t already guessed, I’m referring to the common and frequently sighted turkey vulture. The vulture’s featherless red or pinkish head and neck are anything but cute, and their eating habits only add

  • The “Electronics” of Catching Late Summer Crappies0

    Bruce, me and Dan after a successful day on the lake. What on Earth do electronics have to do with catching crappies or any other fish for that matter? Well, actually, electronic devices and equipment can play a significant role in fishing success. Don’t misunderstand; you still must know what you are doing; you must

  • Keep an Eye Out for Wading Birds

    Keep an Eye Out for Wading Birds0

    When I mentioned wading birds in the title, I am actually referring to a family of birds known as the Heron Family. Pennsylvania is host to over a half-dozen different species of herons, but the two you are most likely to spot are the Great Blue Heron and the Great Egret often referred to as

  • Dove Season Not Far Off0

    With a lot of summer activities — including grass cutting — still in full swing, and plenty of warm days and nights still on the agenda, it’s doubtful that any thoughts of hunting have even begun to enter our minds-me included. To be honest, I’m still caught up in the challenge of catching more bass

  • More Changes are Coming0

    I guess it’s a sign that I’m getting older, but it seems like changes are coming more frequently than they did in the past. As an outdoorsman involved in the business of hunting and fishing for most of my life, in my early years, it seemed like rules and regulations seldom changed much, if at

  • Pennsylvania Elk Hunting Opportunities Continue to Grow0

    I remember as a kid growing up in western Pennsylvania, elk sightings were fairly rare and for good reason — there weren’t that many. Every now and then, we would spot one at a local state park, but the thought of ever hunting them in our state never entered our minds, but that was in


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