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  • A Look at Pennsylvania’s Squirrels0

    I’m sure that over the last couple of months, most of the talk amongst we outdoor types has centered around deer, turkeys, and bears, and thanks to today’s cell phone cameras, we have seen plenty of photos of successful hunters posing with their trophies. What you don’t see in those cell phone photos is someone

  • Enjoy the Outdoors Even After the Hunting Seasons End0

    Like a lot of folks, my love of the outdoors began when I was a young man just getting into hunting and fishing. Needless to say, over the years, I became very involved in outdoor activities and little did I know that I would one day look back and realize that I basically made my

  • What’s Happening With Our Turkey Hunting?0

    I climbed out of my stand last week near quitting time and headed for my vehicle about a 20-minute walk away. I spotted a couple of does at about 40 or 50 yards but definitely out of my compound bow range. I continued a slow quiet walk when I heard that familiar cluck from a

  • Christmas Shopping for a Fisherman0

    First off, let me be clear, I don’t know much about shopping — that is, going into stores and buying things unless those things are hunting and fishing things. I know even less about buying “online” or whatever it is called when you order stuff with your device. That being said, every year about this

  • Call in a Buck

    Call in a Buck0

    When we think about calling in a game animal, we usually associate that idea with calling in a turkey or maybe even a coyote; but as many archery hunters know, calling can also be very effective when hunting during the rut. The rut will go through three phases as we head into late October and

  • Fall Trout Fishing

    Fall Trout Fishing0

    Like most outdoorsmen right now, I, too, am spending as much time as I can trying to tag a deer. After one nine-hour day sitting in a treestand and another half day in my stand in the rain, I still have all my deer tags. While I’m caught up in the hunting scene right now,


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