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  • What’s Happening?0

    For the hunting and fishing enthusiasts, we’ve hit that brief period of the year where most of our hunting is about over; it’s too cold to wade a local stream with the fly rod, and it’s just now getting cold enough to make ice for the hard-water gang. Yes, we can still hunt deer with

  • What’s at the “Business End”?0

    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been taking a closer look at how to make your venture onto the hard water a successful one. We’ve looked at sonar equipment to improve your chances of finding fish in the first place, and then we delved into the devices used to make the connection with your

  • Making the Connection

    Making the Connection0

    Last week I began to delve a little deeper into the process of catching fish through a barrier of ice, and like any kind of fishing, the right tools used in the most proficient manner produce the best results. It’s probably safe to say that the most important tool for fishing comes down to the

  • Finding Fish on Frozen Lakes0

    Winter is beginning to set in, and as most of my readers know, I don’t let the cold and snow keep me from one of my favorite pastimes — fishing. While you can still hit some open water on rivers and streams, I’ll concentrate most of my time on frozen lakes. When I was just

  • A look at Pennsylvania’s Black Bears0

    If there was ever a year when I thought my wife or someone else in the immediate family might get a chance at a black bear, I thought this year would be a good possibility. Why? Well, because we have been seeing more bears this past year than in previous years, that goes for neighbors

  • Pennsylvania Whitetails0

    I’ll have to admit that when it comes to trying to figure out how or what the whitetail deer population is in the state of Pennsylvania, it can be really interesting depending on who you are talking to or what you are basing your estimates on. For example, if you are counting road kills, you


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