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  • Spring Bear Sightings on the Increase0

    It’s that time of year again when reports of bear sightings become more frequent. I’ve already seen a couple of trail camera videos of bears meandering through someone’s yard. One such video was of a bear wandering through a neighborhood in Muncy. I’m also reminded of the situation a few years ago where a bear

  • What’s the Best Choice for Opening Day?0

    So, what is the best presentation on the upcoming opening day of our statewide trout season? Well, to be honest, I really don’t know the answer to that question, but before we get into that, there are other scenarios that should be factored in before heading out. High on my list are the water conditions

  • Panfishing: An Alternative to the Opening Day of Trout Season0

    I know, the first day of trout season is when a lot of people get out fishing for the first time since last summer — it’s tradition, you just go on the “first day.” That’s great that a lot of folks often get out with family members to enjoy a day of fishing, but that

  • Spring Turkey Season and Ongoing Research0

    I was on my way home one morning last week from sipping some coffee with friends at a nearby McDonald’s when I glanced over at a still snow-covered field, and much to my surprise, I spotted two gobblers. I was even more impressed when I saw how long their beards were-definitely trophy birds. That sighting

  • It’s Almost Trout Season!0

    A couple of weeks ago, my fishing buddies and I were still talking about ice fishing on several area lakes but with the recent higher temperatures and rainfall, that all came to a rather sudden end. For us diehard fishermen, however, the change in weather simply means a change in tactics and gear because fishing

  • The White Mass0

    A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were on our way home from church, and as usual, she was driving so I could scan the fields and woods for deer and other wildlife. The drive home that day was during that brief period when the rain and warm temperatures had melted all the


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