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  • It’s Almost Trout Season!0

    A couple of weeks ago, my fishing buddies and I were still talking about ice fishing on several area lakes but with the recent higher temperatures and rainfall, that all came to a rather sudden end. For us diehard fishermen, however, the change in weather simply means a change in tactics and gear because fishing

  • The White Mass0

    A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were on our way home from church, and as usual, she was driving so I could scan the fields and woods for deer and other wildlife. The drive home that day was during that brief period when the rain and warm temperatures had melted all the

  • A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits

    A Beagle Can Lead to More Rabbits0

    When I started to hunt rabbits as a high-school kid, I remember that I would take my old single barrel H&R sixteen gauge and head out to a friend’s farm. We didn’t own a dog, so I just worked my way through field edges and along brushy tree lines kicking brush and watching for running

  • Animal Oddities0

    As a wildlife artist and an avid outdoorsman, I am obviously very intrigued by wildlife, especially when something new or unusual shows up. I recently read in an outdoor publication about a woman who had taken an unusual buck with a crossbow. The deer had an 18-point rack, but when her husband started to field-dress

  • Pennsylvania, a Trophy Big Game State?0

    I suspect that most of us never thought of Pennsylvania as being a state where you could rack up a fairly high-scoring big game animal, especially when it comes to elk, but we may have to rethink that a bit. I’m certainly not a trophy hunter by any means, but years ago, I went off

  • Ice Fishing: It Puts Food on the Table

    Ice Fishing: It Puts Food on the Table0

    Judging from the numbers of people I see on the ice these days, it appears that ice-fishing is a growing winter activity. Not only is ice-fishing an enjoyable way to spend a day, but it is also, as the title of this story suggests, an opportunity to put some delicious food on the table. Now


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