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  • Panfishing the Mid-Summer Heat Wave0

    If you like to fish, now might be a good time to concentrate your efforts on a lake and a good target would be panfish. The title “panfish” is often used to describe several different fish species. I think the name may have come from the fact that several will fit nicely into a frying

  • So You Want to Get Into Fishing0

    Over the past couple of years, it seems like more people have hit me with the question, ” I want to get into fishing, so what equipment should I buy?” Well, it would take me a year of columns to answer that question, and I’m not sure that would still be enough. What I can

  • Turkey Sightings

    Turkey Sightings0

    Like many folks who like to hunt, I keep a close eye out for wildlife when I’m on the road — especially deer and turkeys. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were headed into town when we suddenly had to slow down and let two big hens and fourteen poults cross the

  • Martens May Be Coming Back

    Martens May Be Coming Back0

    After reading the title of my story, some people may be asking, “So who are the Martens”? It’s not who are the Martens but rather what are martens? Martens are actually members of the family Mustelidae which includes other fur-bearing animals like weasels, fishers, wolverines, badgers, skunks, and otters. Most likely, the reason many people

  • A Closer Look at Deer Antlers0

    It’s that time of year again — when hunters begin taking a closer look at those deer gathered in the field along the road. Not only are we checking out what we see as we drive down the road, but you can bet that those trail cameras are getting a good workout too. Hunters are

  • Getting in Over Your Head0

    When we hear the phrase “getting in over your head,” we usually think someone has gone too far, and now they must suffer the consequences, but sometimes it pays to get in over your head when it comes to fishing lakes. In other words, it’s time to start targeting the deeper water rather than the


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