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  • A Red Flash in the Bright Snowy Landscape0

    I know Christmas is close at hand, but this is not a story about Santa and his reindeer swooping down on a snowy landscape to deliver presents. The red flash I’m talking about here is that of a male cardinal, and fortunately, their sightings are fairly common even into the winter months here in Pennsylvania.

  • The Cost of Enjoying Outdoor Activities

    The Cost of Enjoying Outdoor Activities0

    Like a lot of people, I enjoy outdoor activities, more specifically hunting and fishing, which I do on a year-round basis. Like many others, I have accumulated a pretty good amount of outdoor gear over the years. I’ve never really sat down and tried to figure out how much I have invested in all that

  • Bear Hunting Still Ranks High in Pennsylvania0

    With over 200,000 bear hunters heading out on this past Saturday’s opening day of the regular bear firearms season, it’s apparent that it ranks right behind our deer season. Obviously, it’s very popular in our state, and northcentral Pennsylvania holds some of the state’s best bear hunting opportunities. Lycoming County often leads the state in

  • A Hunting Venture Into the Past

    A Hunting Venture Into the Past0

    It’s kind of interesting sometimes to look back at past hunting experiences; for example, do you remember back in the 60s and 70s when hunting pheasants was very common and taking a limit of birds was not at all unusual. Back then, even without a dog, I would often go out for a few hours

  • Late Fall Trout Fishing

    Late Fall Trout Fishing0

    I know a lot of us are caught up in the fall hunting scene, but every year I have to remind myself that there is still some good trout fishing available after the leaves cover the ground. I managed to squeeze in a couple of hours of trout angling last week along with a couple

  • Some Regulations Made More Simple

    Some Regulations Made More Simple0

    It’s not unusual to have someone tell me that reading through the Game Commissions regulation handbook can sometimes be very challenging, especially if it’s someone new to the business of hunting and trapping. There’s a lot to digest with figuring out starting and quitting times, what can be hunted and when, boundary differences, exceptions for


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