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  • The Lure of Fishing0

    Contrary to what the title may seem to be suggesting, this is not a piece about what causes or entices one to fish but rather what lures one uses to catch fish. I got to thinking about this topic when someone just getting into fly fishing asked me if a half dozen flies would be

  • Otters in Pennsylvania0

    Maybe I should start this piece off by first describing what an otter is since the number of people who have actually seen one roaming the Pennsylvania countryside is probably pretty small. A river otter is an elusive aquatic mammal that belongs to the weasel family. It is closely related to mink, badgers, wolverines, and

  • Feathered Fury

    Feathered Fury0

    I was driving home one morning last week when something strange caught my eye; two turkeys were only a few yards off the road on the bank to my right. I pulled over expecting the turkeys to flee — they didn’t. Now seeing turkeys while driving somewhere around here is certainly not a strange sight,

  • Bait Versus Artificials

    Bait Versus Artificials0

    When I wrote the article that appeared in last week’s column, I was just about to head out for my first ice fishing outing of the new season. It was, in fact, the first time in some years that we were able to get safely on the ice before the new year. As you can

  • Are Grouse Going the Way of the Pheasant?

    Are Grouse Going the Way of the Pheasant?0

    Like a lot of other hunters, my hunting season is winding down fast; I may get out for a little flintlock hunting and a little rabbit hunting, but my time in the woods will be pretty limited. I managed to get out at least a half dozen times during this past deer season, but something

  • Navigation and Wilderness Travel0

    Like many people our age, my wife and I have started to go through file cabinets and boxes of “stuff” stored on shelves in the basement. As I was going through some of the “stuff,” I came across a small notebook, and when I opened it and started to read, I quickly realized it was


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