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  • Pennsylvania’s Trout0

    Trout season is now well underway in our state, and a good number of anglers are pursuing a variety of trout species in lakes and streams. When it comes to trout fishing in Pennsylvania, the most commonly caught trout will be rainbows, browns, and brookies, and for good reason — they are the ones most

  • A “Crappy” Day0

    After looking at the title of this article, you’re probably thinking I’m about to tell you all about a lousy day I had last week — not, so; I’m actually talking about a crappie day and, more specifically, the business of catching crappies. I know everybody is kind of hung up on catching trout right

  • Small, Medium, and Large0

    Whether you trout fish or not, I’m sure you have noticed good numbers of fishermen this past weekend gathered along the banks of many different streams. Pennsylvania is fortunate to have a pretty good number of streams available for trout fishing. They come in a variety of sizes, and that, in fact, is the topic

  • Trout Season: Where and What?0

    As we approach the opening of another trout season, the two questions I find a lot of people asking are “Where should I fish”? and “What should I use”? There are several factors to consider when it comes to the question of where to go. Certainly, the weather is a consideration; high wind and bitter

  • Spring Turkey Calling0

    April is an exhilarating month for the hunting and fishing crowd; we start the month with the opening of trout season, and at the end of the month, turkey hunting for gobblers is on the agenda. While I will enjoy the throbbing of a nice trout on my flyrod, you can bet I will also

  • Crow or Raven?0

    I was talking with someone the other day, and they told me they saw what looked like an unusually large crow. When I said that what he saw was very likely a raven and not a crow, he seemed a little surprised. What’s interesting is that about ten minutes before our conservation, I watched a


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