
Latest Issue

  • Set the Night To Music Centerpiece of Area Independence Day Celebrations0

    Downtown Williamsport will again be set ablaze with the beautiful and awe-inspiring fireworks display that is the keystone of the annual “Set the Night To Music” July 4th celebration in Williamsport. Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter speaks enthusiastically about this now-annual event. “The City of Williamsport is looking forward to our annual 4th of July Set

  • An Elegy For Mary

    An Elegy For Mary0

    This week, on July 5, marks the 10th anniversary of when my beloved wife, Mary’s soul, left her body. Those ten years have been very sad and very difficult for me. In addition to her loss, I have suffered the loss of my father, my younger sister, my brother-in-law, and my first cousin, as well

  • County Hall Corner: County Government on the Move0

    A new day is coming. The Lycoming County Commissioners had their last weekly meeting at the Lycoming County Executive Plaza at 330 Pine Street in Williamsport on Thursday, June 27th. The following Thursday will be July 4th, so obviously, there will not be a meeting that day. Still, the following Thursday, July 11th, will be

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 6, 1898 – Why Not Celebrate? Prepare for a Big Demonstration0

    When the confirmation of the news of the destruction of the Spanish fleet in Cuban waters came on the night of the Fourth of July there was a disposition to get up an impromptu celebration. A movement was organized but no band could be acquired for the event, and a celebration without music is seldom

  • Muncy Fourth Friday Activities This Friday, June 280

    Family-friendly activities, food and craft vendors, musical entertainment of various kinds, and good fellowship are all hallmarks of Muncy’s “Fourth Friday” activities, which take place monthly at the Today Farm, the former Tom Styer’s farm in Muncy. Ann Baker was one of the organizers and has been involved with the event since it began 15

  • SERVPRO’s “Hydrate For Heroes” Helps Hydrate Area Firefighters While Fighting Fires0

    As this is being written, there is a serious, health-threatening heat wave going on. No group of people is threatened more during these occurrences than our firefighters when they are battling red-hot blazes. Hydration is critical for them. In an attempt to assist in the effort to make sure these dedicated people stay safe and

  • County Hall Corner: Uncle Sam Needs You!0

    At every Lycoming County Commissioners Meeting, Commissioner President Scott Metzger opens the meeting with a prayer. In the past few years, I have noted that, without fail, Metzger will always highlight in his prayers an anniversary of a military institution. At the Thursday, June 13th meeting, he highlighted the 249th birthday of the United States

  • St John’s School of the Arts: New Location But Same Commitment To Students of the Arts0

    While the Saint John’s School of the Arts may have a new home at the First United Methodist Church in Williamsport, this move is a testament to their commitment to the arts. Their new location offers enhanced facilities and resources, allowing them to provide an even better arts education experience for their students. Since its

  • This Week’s LION: Monty the Library Bunny

    This Week’s LION: Monty the Library Bunny0

    (Please note: the rabbit is real, but this article is satire for fun) In April of this year, the head librarian of the Montgomery Area Public Library, Amber Adams, got permission from her board of directors to bring a rabbit into the library for the children. As VP of the board, I thought the idea

  • County Hall Corner: Election Year and Inflation Fear0

    Polls greatly impact politics, and polls are supposedly evidence of what voters think about and care about. Politicians must walk a tightrope of matching up their focuses and concerns with those that they want to vote for them. For example, according to the most recent YouGov poll, inflation was the top issue for voters among

  • Grit: June 20, 1965 – City Expanding at Western End0

    Expansion and growth in the Greater Williamsport area in past years has primarily been to the east and north. However, in recent months, the apparent growth has been to the west and adjoining townships. It is here that previously untapped reservoirs of land, much of it within the city limits, has been coming under increasing

  • County Hall Corner: The Beginning of the End?0

    Decades from now, researchers will be trying to figure out how the United States went so far off the rails in the mid-2020s. Without any doubt, we are living in historic times. Never in two and a half centuries of our democracy has one party denigrated an opposing person from the opposite party as the