
Latest Issue

  • Library Offers Back-to-School Resources0

    As the first day of school approaches (or has passed), is your child prepared for the academic year? Libraries across Pennsylvania grow students’ school readiness social, cognitive and emotional skills. The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., offers year-round story times and early literacy programs to help preschoolers with transitioning. The Brown Library’s

  • Gazette and Bulletin: September 4, 1920 – Celebration of Ratification of Suffrage Amendment Held0

    More than 300 –people were present at the Community House last evening with a splendid program of addresses and music, celebrating the ratification of the suffrage amendment was celebrated. Mayor Archibald Hoagland presided and following a community “sing” led by Miss Ruth Wendle, he introduced one of the chief speakers of the evening, Judge Harvey

  • A Refresher Course in School Bus Safety0

    The dawn of a new school year is a time marked by change and fresh opportunities. For many children, school marks the first time they are away from their parents for an extended period of time. It also may be the first time they ride in a vehicle other than their parents’ cars. Each school

  • Missing Little League: Disappointed… but Optimistic0

    It was great catching up with my good friend Steve Keener recently. My intention was to ask him some questions for my column this week. Our conversation covered everything from family to baseball, to how blessed we are to call the West Branch Valley our home. Of course, most of our chat was about everything

  • County Hall Corner: Justice Defined0

    Social justice is a popular term these days, and like other terms that capture the public consciousness, they are often not understood. As Abraham Lincoln so wisely noted, imagining that a horse’s tail is a leg does not change the fact that a horse has four legs. Reality is what it is. Justice is defined

  • Gazette and Bulletin: August 29, 1933 – City Streets Share in Slash of Working Hours0

    Whatever the National Recovery Act may do in the way of bettering business, it has had one visible effect on the city streets that habitues have not been long in noticing. Heretofore the official closing hour in downtown Williamsport has been 6 o’clock. Under the hour agreement which went into effect a couple of weeks

  • This Week’s LION: White House Memories

    This Week’s LION: White House Memories1

    If this was a normal year, on Wednesday, August 19th, Fourth Street in Williamsport would have been packed with thousands of onlookers gathering to watch the Little League World Series Grand Slam Parade. As we all know, of course, this is definitely NOT a normal year, so there were no crowds because there was no

  • Regional School Reopening Plans0

    Area Schools Face Challenges in Reopening for the New School Year By Dave Bellomo & Lou Hunsinger Jr. [Editor’s Note: All of the information in this article is ‘as of press time.’ Like so much else, anything can change at the last minute, but we wanted to give you the most accurate, up-to-date information available.

  • Sharing Little League World Series Memories1

    This year there is an aching void in our summer sports calendar, and that is the absence of the annual Little League World Series due to COVID-19. We at Webb Weekly thought we would try in a small way to fill a little of that void by providing some memories of those involved in holding

  • Little League to Host Blood Drive0

    This August, the Little League® International Complex will look much different without the smiling faces and exciting cheers that surround the Little League Baseball® World Series, but members of the Williamsport community will still have the opportunity to bring those smiles to the faces of others as Little League International joins together with the American

  • Williamsport Sun-Gazette: August 28, 1967 -West Tokyo Series Champs0

    West Tokyo did what no one but the Japanese thought they could do, win the Little League World Series, But much to the surprise of the more than 27,000 fans, West Tokyo won the 1967 classic Saturday at Howard J. Lamade Memorial Field 6-1 over Chicago, Illinois.  In winning the world championship for 11 and

  • County Hall Corner: Stepping in the Leadership0

    The Lycoming County Commissioners met on Tuesday, August 11th and announced they were not holding public meetings for the next two weeks to participate in County Commissioners of Pennsylvania training sessions. This particular meeting had a very long agenda of four pages, whereas a typical agenda would be about two pages. Much of the actions