
Latest Issue

  • Exciting Times for Local KidsPeace Foster Care & Community Programs0

    KidsPeace Foster Care and Community Programs in Williamsport has had a very exciting couple of weeks. Despite COVID-19 and various modifications in the courts and county offices, love and family have prevailed. Two of our foster families became forever families as long-awaited adoptions were finalized. Laura, a special education teacher from the Bellefonte area, has

  • County Hall Corner: Senseless Census Avoidance0

    It is somewhat ironic that almost all national media sources are singularly focused on the presidential election to be held on November 4th, highlighting that it will have ramifications far into the next decade, yet hardly mentioning something that in many ways could have even an even bigger impact — the 2020 census. This decadal

  • Williamsport Sun: September 14, 1937 – Enlarged City Directory has New Features0

    Williamsport’s complete new directory, containing four new features, is off the press this week. It is a volume of 1,072 pages — 162 pages thicker than the 1936 edition — covering Williamsport, South Williamsport, DuBoistown, Montoursville and the surrounding rural routes and is published by the R.L. Polk Company, as Boyd’s Williamsport City Directory. The

  • 2nd Annual Dwell Golf Outing Promotes Fun and Families0

    In a sports summer that took so many smiles from the faces of adults and children alike, golf proved a source of outdoor fun and release for many. After a spring stuck inside, families were able to enjoy an afternoon sharing in good shots and bad — but doing it together. It’s that same sense

  • This Week’s LION: Superhero CASA Volunteers0

    Every child needs a hero. An abused, neglected, or abandoned child that ends up in the court system needs a superhero. They need a dedicated and passionate member of the community who could advocate for them. They need someone who is be committed to ensuring that they would be able to thrive in a safe,

  • Remembering Baseball Hall of Famer Lou Brock0

    Baseball recently suffered the loss of two of its brightest stars from the 1960s and 1970s, and another piece of childhood dropped away with the deaths of Tom Seaver and Lou Brock. Both Seaver and Brock visited the Little League World Series. Seaver in 1988 and Brock in 2006. It was during Brock’s appearance in

  • 14th Balloonfest Air Show and So Much More To be Held September 12 and 13

    14th Balloonfest Air Show and So Much More To be Held September 12 and 130

    This COVID-19 year, many annual events that have been part of our cultural, entertainment, and recreational landscape have had to yield to the pesky virus. However, one that is not is the 14th annual Balloonfest Air Show and So Much More put on by the Lycoming County Rotary Clubs, which will take place this Saturday

  • County Hall Corner: Coincidence or Providence?0

    On some very rare occasions, the COVID shutdowns have actually produced changes that turned out better than what was originally planned. This was true to some degree as the Lycoming Tioga Sullivan Emergency Medical Services Council was unable to hold their annual banquet this year and thus presented their yearly awards for Lycoming County at

  • Gazette and Bulletin: September 5, 1940 – Bees Buy Manno0

    At long last patience has been rewarded in the case of Don Manno, Williamsport’s all-around Italian athlete. After knocking about in the minors and the semi-pro ranks for half a dozen years, Manno is on the threshold of the biggest moment of his career. He reports to the Boston Bees at the close of the

  • PBS’s WVIA To Broadcast “Remember Honor 9/11 Memorial Ride Documentary September 11, 12, 13 and 140

    A documentary that was put together jointly by local resident Alivia Tagliaferri and members of the 9/11 Memorial Ride Coalition three years ago will be broadcast by the local Public Broadcasting System affiliate, WVIA TV in Pittston, on September 11, 12, 13, and 14. This broadcast takes place in time for the 19th anniversary of

  • All Fore Folds Charity Golf Tournament To Be Held September 180

    There are many various charity golf tournaments that are held all over. But one area charity golf tournament is connected with a group that honors and aids our deceased and wounded veterans as the “Folds of Honor” Golf Tournament to be held on September 18 at Wynding Brook Golf Club in Milton. Chad Anthony is

  • A Refresher Course in School Bus Safety0

    The dawn of a new school year is a time marked by change and fresh opportunities. For many children, school marks the first time they are away from their parents for an extended period of time. It also may be the first time they ride in a vehicle other than their parents’ cars. Each school